I know you have heard it tonnes of times but i cant find one honest answer out there, they are all biased towards one console. Now i forgot i even had this account, i used to own a 360 when they first got released, it RROD so i sold it. Gave in gaming for a couple of years then last year i got a PS3. I dont find my self on it a lot of the time, maybe a couple of times a week mostly on Call of duty. I dont use hardly any of the PS3's media services. I listen to music and browse the internet on my computer not on a games console. I have been looking at buying a 360 again because i hear it is a better gaming console and online is much better even though you have to pay for it. SO honest opinions should i go back to the 360, i would be getting the elite edition. Thanks for any explanations given Zack Cxbox111
I should probably actually address the TC since he asked a question...
My opinion on the console scene is as follows: When the systems first started coming out Xbox was in the lead. It had better exclusives and the online community was bigger. As time has gone on the PS3 hasacquiredmany good games, and many of those Xbox exclusives have become multiplats, moving over to PS3 as well. I believe the two consoles are at somewhat of a stalemate at the moment, with the only real factor being all the extra things (such as multiple online requirements) that you must pay for with Xbox.
Judging by the changes taking place, I would venture to guess that the 360 will be dying out within the next year or so. I would expect a new Xbox console possibly with the release of Natal, or sometime afterwards. PS3 on the other hand will likely last for a couple more years, maybe even being able to compete with the new Xbox console for a short time. Now I can't say for sure but I believe that the 360 has reached the end of it's technical abilities, meanwhile the PS3 still has room for improvement. What I mean is, the 360 won't be able to handle games any more complex than the ones they have now, but the PS3 could potentially support more advanced games. If this is true then the PS3 could easily last into the next gen. As for multiplats looking better on 360: I personally think this is simply fans of their particular system talking. I've never noticed a difference.
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