@EllieStranger @JOHN1486 Maybe they don't. But just as an example, a phenomenal game that still hasn't gained nearly as much traction as it should is Fire Emblem Awakening. Pretty much the best game yet on the 3DS, but it simply isn't selling like other games. Sure, the Nintendo mainstays will still have success, but the smaller games? This could hurt them.
@RAD_RADIO This is a good point. I overstepped my bounds by saying I can legally do what I want with it, lol. But as you mentioned, them trying to take money from other peoples content is immoral at best, and just plain stupid at worst.
@cagedwolf @TheGamerPhenom Yep. Nintendo normally isn't too radical in their moves as a general rule, but this one's out there. I personally get the feeling they'll come to regret this move.
@RAD_RADIO @Techn1c4l Precisely. Once I've purchased your product, that's the end of it. I legally own it, and have the right to do so with it as I please. Them trying to regulate that, regardless of whether they legally can, simply feels wrong.
This makes very little sense to me. The first thing Nintendo must not realize is that a lot of LPers use that Ad Revenue they obtain from their videos to continue publishing content. While Nintendo content isn't necessarily the most widespread on YouTube (360 and Computer games likely both have it easily beat), there are many who do a large amount of content centered on Nintendo products, and as such, likely won't be able to do so anymore.
The other strange part of this is that Nintendo is basically axing their own free advertising. LPers aren't going to want to do Nintendo games anymore, and that can be one of the biggest ways to get their game out there is if some of the larger LPers cover the game.
All in all, doesn't seem like a very smart move to me by Nintendo. Still love a lot of their products, still enjoy playing a large portion of their games, but this doesn't make much sense.
@Korvus85 This is very true. The only thing that saved that game from being a complete and total flop was that it ended the "Ezio/Altair" storyline definitively. Otherwise, that game didn't last me five hours.
@Firzenzo @TheGamerPhenom Never denied the fact of WHY it's still being made every year. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it. The SMART idea would be to come up with a new idea, something that gamers HAVEN'T just seen the last year, and then delay that while they push a new game franchise.
You've somewhat misconstrued what Bethesda really does, because not all of their games are RPG's. And even then, many companies love to try and push RPGs year after year. No, Bethesda realized that if they go in a new direction with a different game/franchise (ie, like what they did with Dishonored last year), they can put out a good game that isn't anything like their other games, still get a pretty paycheck, and continue building hype for some of their major franchises.
Ultimately, the only way Ubisoft is going to bring back the gamers to the AC franchise after the flop that was AC3 is to put out a truly terrific game in AC4, and the odds of that are pretty slim unfortunately.
@Salta06 Gameplay was also the same old, same old being rehashed. What we have here is a situation where Ubisoft is so desperate to keep pushing out a game in the series year after year that it's watered down the product to a point where it just isn't looking appealing. They've put me personally at a point where, unless I see quite a few strong reviews for the game, I likely won't be playing it.
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