Nice job on the lists, dude. Though, I'm gonna have to agree with another comment I've seen. Manhunt should definitely be up there. I'd say it's definitely the scariest and most demented game I've ever played. After a few hours, I would never play it again.
I don't think they're gonna hold much back at this event. We should find out pretty much all we need to know about the Wii, it's launch, Virtual Console, and online play. I think it'll launch at $200 and I'm hoping/assuming it will be bundled with 2 free Virtual Console games. Seems like a good idea to me. Let users choose 2 of a certain number of selected titles, and purchase them for free. Not only is it a nice little bonus, it will introduce everyone to the Virtual Console and show them how it works and how to purchase games. Also, I think it will launch before the PS3. They should offer gamers a cheaper alternative before the PS3 even hits stores. Some people are speculating a Wii Sports bundle, which seems very possible. It'd be a good game to show people how the controller works.
I've done a lot of thinking for this and realized that I have possibly played way too many games (if such a thing is even possible). Of course, there are plenty of games that I've barely played and would like to spend more time with, but I'll only be listing games I have NEVER played but should. There's also games that I'd like to play but haven't yet because I don't own the console they are on, such as several Xbox 360 and DS games, so they will be excluded. 1. Guitar Hero (Playstation 2) Why haven't I played Guitar Hero? It's simple, really. I'd love to play the game, I think it looks great and I even thought about learning to play the guitar about a year ago. I remember the first time reading the soundtrack listing for the game and thinking it was possibly the greatest bunch of songs to ever be included in a single game (though at the time I didn't know they were covers). The only thing stopping me is the price tag. I believe it's . I understand that considering the cool controller it comes with, but I'm not willing to pay that much. If there's ever a price drop, I'll be the first in line. 2. Killer 7 (Gamecube) I always thought this game looked real cool and unique. Then I read about how the game controls. From what I read, you move around on "rails" in this FPS, which to me seems like it would be kind of awkward and outdated. The game seems pretty weird in general. I've been tempted to rent it but never have. Maybe one day I will. I know I should. 3. Lego Star Wars (Playstation 2, Xbox) I'm a pretty big fan of Star Wars, plus I even bought and built some of the Lego Star Wars vehicles when I was younger. Yet I have not played this game because I guess I'm afraid it's too childish. I guess it's even more immature to avoid a game because I'm assuming its aimed at 5-10 year olds. I should give this one a shot. 4. Conker's Bad Fur Day (Nintendo 64) I'd like to start this one by saying that I absolutely love Rare. I think they may be the greatest second party game developer ever. During their Nintendo years, they were on top of the world. Then they made this mature game, which is considered one of the best 3D platforming games around. At the time, I was too young to play it. Now that I'm older, I still haven't. I guess I'm not so interested in all the sleazy jokes and bathroom humor. I tried to make up for it by renting Conker: Live and Reloaded, but the store's only copy was scratched and wouldn't play. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. 5. The Castlevania series From what I hear, Castlevania is an incredible series. It even seems to have been getting better over the last few years, with its games on the GBA and DS. Still I refuse to try any of them. Why? Well, I did play Castlevania IV (I think, it was on SNES) once, though only for around 5 minutes. I wasn't too amazed by it, especially with a timer ticking away, rushing me to beat it. Since then, I've never tried another. I think I'm missing out on a good series from this first impression, which by the way, was probably over 5 years after the game's release. Honorable mentions: Dead or Alive series Twisted Metal 2 Far Cry series Advance Wars series Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Listed in no particular order: 1. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2) - This game may be the very definition of cool. It featured unforgettable characters, fun and open-ended gameplay, and great music, all wrapped up into an 80's Miami-like setting. There is so much to do and see in this game, and it's a game anyone can have a good time with, except for maybe politicians. I find that most people that hate on GTA haven't played it very much. They can't seem to open their eyes long enough to look past all the violence and crime. Grand Theft Auto is not all about mindless killing sprees or running over prostitutes. If you can get past all that, there's also a deep and incredible game that never seems to get old. 2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) - Take everything from Vice City and triple it and you're looking at San Andreas. It's bigger and badder in every way, plus a lot more controversial. There's an unbelievable amount of stuff in this game, and some great and much needed additions. Dual analog controls, swimming, climbing, and now you could also fly planes. Robbing houses, working out, tagging, derailing trains, base jumping, dating, shopping, and parachuting are just a few things all in a day's work for Carl Johnson. San Andreas has a great story with interesting characters, improved gameplay, and has pretty much everything you could ever hope for in a sequel, and then some. Orange Grove Families for life, ya heard? 3. Mortal Kombat II (SNES) - This series brought video game controversy to a whole new level with its violent gameplay and gruesome fatalities. Mortal Kombat II is hands-down the best game in the series. It was the darkest, the most fun, and also the coolest MK game. Its over-the-top violence is always a hit with others. Why? Because it's cool. 4. The Warriors (PS2) - Some of you who read this may be wondering what The Warriors is doing in my list. If you are one of these people, obviously you have not played the game. It is based off a classic fictional movie where New York is filled with several unique gangs. Rockstar manages to successfully turn the movie into a fun, modern day beat 'em up. It has excellent gameplay, cool characters, and features a great story mode, which is even better when you play with a friend. The Warriors seems to have become my game of choice for playing with others. 5. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) - Mario with tanks. How cool is that? Super Mario Bros. 3 may be the greatest 2D platformer ever made. The game is an absolute masterpiece, and arguably the best Mario game to date, or at least it's my personal favorite. Plus, don't forget about the tanks, which are strangely made of wood. When will Bowser learn?
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