TheGreatZZ's forum posts
Lets say i traded in stuff at Gamestop and got $100 in store credit.
Now lets say the Gamestop didnt have the game Warhawk
Can i go to EB games instead and use Gamestop store credit?
If i were to trade in my 360 but lost the little cover thing which a hard drives goes in do they take anything off?
I have a 20GB hard drives but im guessing that would sell as 2 parts not 1.
wireless internet adaptor thing for 360
2 (360) wiredcontrollers
Xbox 360 with 20 GB hard drive
CoD4 (360)
Gears of war (360)
LOTBFME2 (360)
Samuraiwarriors 2 (360)
Samurai warriors 2 Empires (360)
I checked the gameStop website and they dont list prices :(
I don't know about you, but I could care less what the hardware is like. I just care about what games it can play, and they are amazing!!!kylet6891
They are amazing well not that far but yea
well hard to play a great game online nowadays witout being sign out of XBL plus its making deathnoisesagain...ready for the rings anyday now
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