This year's Madden 09 touted its new feature of "My Skill" level, in which the game would grade your performance and then spit out where you belong on the tiers of football skill. I imagine this works for new players that play on lower levels where the CPU doesn't really come after ya.
Now, I've played real people and they usually don't provide much of a challenge. Mostly because they blitz or play dumb. So if I want to play a serious game I have to go up against the CPU on All Madden. This is when you and I should realize that sports games are not about having fun, but about putting the player in as difficult and un-realistic of a setting as possible to provide something close to challenge. After all, how often have you actually blown away an opponent in a sports game? Not often because that rubberband AI kicks in and suddenly that basket is as big as the Atlantic.
What happens is, and this is universal for most all types of sports games, the CPU takes the sliders and sets them high for its players, and then sets the user's people much lower. It happens when you're doing too good (aka rubberband AI), and when you choose higher difficulties. This means that the user only has the superstars on the team that are reliable. I've played NCAA 09 with Army against Penn State, and somehow every hit on my guys was a bone-crushing blast that caused a fumble 50% of the time. Needless to say, I was officially done with that franchise.
People need to realize that sports game developers are not going out and trying to make their games realistic, they are making them easy for new players and just the opposite of fun for good players. It would have been so awesome to take little ol' Army from nothing and use my innovative playcalling and schemes to give them a chance for a bowl game, but no, they don't have enough stats and the sliders are not in my favor, so to heck with all that.
The thing is, superstars in any sport do not play lights out every game, and then sometimes a little rookie just explodes in a game. But that can never happen in sports games because of lazy game development.
Whoever makes a football or basketball game where players' abilites replaces their stats, where the game's AI doesn't rely on unfair advantages, and where the possibilty of rubberband AI is not in sight, I hope people buy that game.
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