Hello there.
Well a long time ago I made a blog about some paranormal things that happened to me and such.
I know lots of people don't believe in ghosts and I am a skeptic myself, but when weird things happen with no explanations my imagination is the first thing to react.
*THIS IS A TRUE STORY! I'm not making this up.*
The scary thing about this paranormal idea is that it occured in my house.
I live in a very small house. It creaks and there are mice scurrying around the in the ceiling.
One day I was by myself in doors. It was very dark out and I was taking a nap in my room.
I was having a very frightening dream.
It was me walking around my house, except it didn't look like my house exactly. It looked like it had 30 years ago.
However, my dream self didn't care much and kept walking around.
Then in the middle of the room that is now my bedroom I noticed a smiling old lady.
The old lady seemed nice so I approached her and then she walked up to me and grabbed my face.
Her eyes turned red and when I thought that i was dead she vanished.
My heart was racing,but then I realized something, I couldn't move.
I tried with all my might but nothing happened.
Inside my head i heard the old lady speak, but I couldn't understand.
My body started to lurch forward and it stopped in front of the mirror.
My face looked more aged and in my eyes, to my horror, were red.
All of a sudden, I was floating and I was looking over my body.
I could hear the old lady inside my body laughing and I just floated there.
I started thinking and thinking, but I couldn't think of anything so I started praying.
I pleaded to get my body back,but nothing happened and then I tried the only other option
waking up.
When I woke up my fears seemed so real, I couldn't move my body and it wasn't like Icut off bloodfrom my arm, it was really impossible for me to move, except my eyes.I wasn't sure what would happen next, so I did
what I did in my dream and started to pray but the words that came out of my mouth were something I didn't understand, but I did make out the word Christos.
After a scary second I realized I could move my right arm and I kept concentrating.
I slowly but surely reclaimed my body.
I lay there, waiting for the old lady, but silence was all that came to me.
Then without warning I heard a giant crash from my kitchen and then the garage.
the crashing items in the garage were too large for a mouse to knock over and there were no mice in the kitchen.
It was as if I pulled her out and she was angry about it.
I slowly crept out expecting the worst, instead there was nothing.
I reluctantly looked at the time and I felt an itch on my forehead so I walked over to the mirror and for a split second I saw her again.
After freaking out, i checked it again but she wasn't there.
Once my parents got home I asked them about this house and they told me
that an old widow died in the house on the same day I "met" her.
That was probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.
I hope nothing scarier willeverhappen to me.
Slowly I got over it and now I just hope for the best.
Maybe it was all my imagination. Maybe mybody was just really tired for no reason. Maybe those things were bound to fall soon. Maybe the dream was just a coincidence. But the only thing for sure is I'll never forget the face. I'll never forget the feelings of helplessness.
Well that is all I have to write. please don't think I'm weird. I'm just writing my experiences down
Hippy Out