Fellow IGG buddies , our beloved community for Indians is on the verge of dying . Long gone are the days where we all used to be so active on it . What's happened to everyone ? We all regularly use GS , yet we're all guilty of neglecting our community . :( :( :(
IMO , it's time we stage a revival of this community . We've had some great times on the IGG, and I do NOT want to see it in its dead state anymore .
Reetesh , neerajkumar_4 , gagan21 , viveckvivu , protonsavy , shiben , indzman , lightwarrior179 and all my other IGG BUDDIES !!!Let's make it a point to post regularly ( or atleast every 3 days ) on the IGG . Officers should update the news , and if a few members take the initiative and make the community active again , then all the Indian gamers on Gamespot will once again have a great active community for all Indians ...
TheINDIANChild bids y'all goodbye for now ...I'm gonna go save my community ... and I hope I get your help ... :):)