Don't ever take a driving test after having your first ever job interview. Trust me, I just had experience! So, today was going to be the best day ever, OK? I was going to go do a job interview, absolutely amaze everyone with my awesomeness, then go get my driver's license. Eh, didn't quite happen that way.
My job interview was the first thing I had to do, so I went on down to the McDonald's where they were having the interview and sat in awkward silence with three other people applying for the job. I was soon called back to talk with the manager, who btw had this very distracting area on his lip that was missing skin. It seriously looked like a spider monkey had attacked him and bitten some of his lip off. Either that, or he accidentally bit himself. Either way, it was very shiny. :-P Seriously, though, he was cool; I liked him. Anyway, managed to make it through that with all of my dignity intact (and all of my lip, too, JS).
Next stop? Driving bureau place that I can't remember the official name for so I'm filling up space with nonsense. I know how to drive, so I'm not worried about failing the test, but my entire body is shaking from my interview, because that's just how I deal with nerves. Trust me, you should see me after I act in front a full audience; you'd think I was having a seizure with all of the shaking that I do. Anyway, so I'm driving the official I-have-the-power-to-give-you-your-license-so-don't-cross-me lady, and the first thing she says is,"That was the worst back-up I have ever seen." OK, admittedly, because my foot and heart are both having nervous breakdowns, it wasn't the best back up ever, but the worst? Oh please. Anyway, besides completely ignoring her at one point and passing up an intersection that she told me to take (it's a long story in and of itself), I survived. I got my license, of course, too.
Anyway, that's my day. I really need to edit a Youtube video and do other productive things, but I really just feel like going take a nap, or maybe seeing 1 of my 137 therapists. I think I'll just go watch TV or something; I'm not even going to edit this post. Just endure all of the punctuation/spelling/other random errors. Later.
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