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Gaming Progress, and some Reviews are up

Progress wise, I have completed "Uncharted Drake's Fortune" and "DeadSpace", though both require one final playthrough to get the last trophy or two needed for 100% completion. I have also logged more time on Oblivion, though it doesn't seem to make much of a dent, lol, as I am now 100+ hours in and haven't bothered to touch the main story yet. Joining the thieve's and assassin's guilds just seemed like a better use of my time....

I also slashed my way through "Heavenly Sword" very quickly, started "Bioshock", and took my first steps into the world of "LittleBigPlanet". Once "Bioshock" is completed, finishing "Folklore" and "Silent Hill Homecoming" will finally be within the realm of possibility. Jeebus, lol, too many games, not enough sick days left available!

I also managed to get my first few PS3 reviews up, so my thoughts on "DeadSpace", "Uncharted" and "Heavenly Sword" are now available. My next reviews will be for "Oblivion" and "Folklore" both of which I've now played enough to have a confident opinion. I also hope to have reviews for "Bioshock" and "LittleBigPlanet" shortly thereafter.

I hope you're all doing well friends, talk to you soon, TKF.