Some ideas are fantastic right from conception. Other ideas seem doomed to fail right from the drawing board. Some ideas have initial merrit, and yet others take you by surprise. But what about those ideas that you just know had potential, but somehow ended up in complete disapointment?
Here folks, is my TOP 5: GOOD GAME IDEAS GONE WRONG.
When I first heard an RTS game was in the works that would use this franchise as a platform, I was foaming at the mouth. All I could think about was StarCraft, using Aliens, Predators and Marines as the factions. Seriously, how could this fail? Well, it did. What should have been an addictive and relevant RTS game turned out to be an absolute comma inducing borefest. The graphics were sub-par and the gameplay was spotty, but those were simply minor frustrations in comparison to the real letdown. The game didn't use ships whatsoever, even though the game practically begs for it. Why not use the colonial marine ATVs and Dropships and predator ships? Why not have different structures or bases to add depth like in StarCraft? A balance of soldiers, ships, bases and clear objectives is the bare necessities of the RTS genre. In AvsP:E, you didn't even really have to mine or hunt for supplies, you didn't have to manage much at all really, and you were very limitted as to how many units you could have on screen. There was very little variation in mission objectives, very little customization, and even less strategy. This game could have been epic, but instead it turned out to be a sloppy, non-entertaining, excercise in generic game design.
CastleVania has had some great characters over the years, from Simon to Alucard, from Death to Richter, and Dracula himself. The series has always had great weapons, from whips to swords, axes and knives, to magic and holy water. The series is known for some great settins and musical scores to boot. So how can you skrew up a fighter based on CastleVania characters? Well,you can make it in3D and put it on the Wii.All they had to do to make a winning game here was use a dynamically rendered 2D format (ala Guilty Gear, BlazBlue), and focus on making it a visual feast with classic gameplay and a soundtrack of "symphony of the night" quality. CVf ans would have eaten it up. Instead, we got a lackluster product, sloppily made in 3D with near broken gameplay, and slapped on the Wii as one of 1,000 other forgettable shovelware titles. GameSpot's rating of 3 was very, very generous.
Anyone who played Super BomberMan on the SNES knows how addictive and fun BomberMan can be, especially fighting your friends. Dynamic puzzle-like strategy, addictive gameplay and interesting powerups were all you needed. It was a simple, but oh so sweet formula. Bringing the series back, and playable on the 360's admirable online service was, in theory, a decent idea. And then this game dropped. And bombed. This game is a bomberman game in title only. Its almost like the devs knew it too, because they made sure that nothing about this game even remotely resembled anything BomberMan, right down to the bombermen themselves. I could go on, but there is no need. Complete Epic Fail, especially considering the potential battles that could have been waged on XBLive.
Developing an oldschool, 2D, classic styled Final Fantasy is at the very top on my list of "good ideas". Unfortunately, when I dream of the idea, it sounds so much better than what SquareEnix shat out for us. First of all, the game is only available as an over-priced Wiiware download. Secondly, you can't get the whole game at once, it comes in sections, so while its already over-priced, you can revel in the fact that you only own 1/4 of it. That said, once you've quickly run through the lackluster and forgettable story that didn't even meet the bare-bones criteria of being somewhat nostalgiac, you might be glad you only bought the first part. This could have been done really well, with top-notch graphics and decent writting, but it ends up being nothing more than a shallow and blatant cash-grab by SquareEnix, who once again, kicks their fanbase in the groin.
Seing as how "Legend of Zelda"is my all-time favorite game series, this was an easy pick for top spot on the list, and remains my biggest dissapointment in gaming. Ever. This is the one idea on the list that should have been an absolute guarantee to be a game of epic proportions, especially when you consider the consistancy and quality the series has had for two decades. So the idea was simple; make a classic 2D Zelda title in the mold of "Link to the Past", spruce up the visuals with some minor effects from"WindWaker", and make it multiplayer. Just typing that last sentence gave me goosebumps and chills, so you can imagine how much I like the idea.The gameplay, combat and puzzle style of Zelda fits a multiplayer scenario perfectly, and with the GameCube having four controller ports, this game should have been a dream come true. So why wasn't it? Because Nintendo selfishly used it as a gimmicky marketing ploy to sell accessories. The single player portion feels awkward and disjointed due to the GBA related aspects still being present. But worse than that, you actually can't play this as a multiplayer Zelda game with NGC controllers. You need a GameBoy Advance system, and a systems "Link" cable (unintentional but painfull pun there) for EACH and every player. So to play a four players and use this game to its potential, you would need to have an NGC, copy of the game, one NGC paddle, three GBA systems, and three sets of GBA link-cables. Rediculous. Had this game been a straight up multiplayer title for use with the Cube's extra controller ports and NGC controllers, it would have gone down as one of Nintendo's best multiplayer games ever, and people would still be raving about it today. As it stands, its pretty much the most forgotten and often dismissed title in the series, and for good reason.
Thanks for reading friends. Please, feel free to comment on my list, but share your own examples of good game ideas gone wrong. I'd love to hear some other choices!