I never thought I'd see the day when I'd write a review bashing SquareSoft, but its gotten to that point folks, so here it goes, with the hopes that my RPG Temple bretherin will forgive me......
SquareSoft, you've lost me. Well, I guess its SquarEnix now, but whatever, that little fopau itself will tell you the last time I was actually high on the company. Remember those good old days!? You know, when in between wonderfull new Final Fantasy titles we were treated to all those other gems like Chrono Cross, XenoGears, Vagrant Story, Legend of Mana etc?Now it seems that you'd rather do nothing but pimp remakes and sequels on handhelds or throw out cookie cutter crap on consoles. What have you become!? Ports and remakes on the DS and PSP, J-RPGs exclusive to the 360, and a barage of weak at best efforts.
What the hell was "Final Fatnasy X-2" all about, aside from taking a huge crap on "FFX"? What were you thinking with "Dirge of Cerberus"!? That thing was almost unplayable! And the glutton of forgettable efforts from "Grandia III" to "Last Remnant", "Dawn of Mana" to "Unlimitted Saga". And sorry, but I didn't fork out fees to play "FFXI Online".Sure, "Valkyrie Profile II" and "Final Fantasy XII" were pretty damn good, but those are now the exception as opposed to the rule.
All I'm saying is that maybe, just maybe, its time to stop wasting time and manpower on all these refurbs and second tier titles, screw the handhelds for a moment ,and actually create an A+ title worthy of your own lofty standards. Hell, maybe you could even get FFXIII out sometime this generation. (And it better not be on the DS or IPhone)
In general news, my battle with corporate glutton GameStop/EB has come to an end, and like many of you suspected, the little guy got skrewed. They don't care that thier employee assaulted me, nor did they once actually appologize for the incident. I recieved an insulting little $20 giftcard that I sold to a friend for cash, and I've now given up, realizing that once companies like GAMESPOT/EBgames get as big as they have now, customer service goes right out the window.
I've also got some new reviews up, for "Folklore", "Killzone2" and "Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection"
Hope you're all well,