Yoda doesn't belong in Soul Calibur, Solid Snake doesn't belong in Smash Bros, and dammit, Mortal Kombat has no business being throw into a game with the DC Universe. There, I said it. Stupid idea, stupid tie-in, horrid game. Enough said? No.
MARVEL and DC should realize that they're only hurting thier own reputation with such a sordid array of pointless tie-ins (Capcom vs Marvel, MortalK vs DC etc) and they should have enough common sense to give us what every fighter and comic fan alike have wanted for years....MARVEL vs DC.
Its not friggin' hard people! Take 10 Marvel characters. Take 10 DC characters. Add in some extra unlockable characters from each universe, and let us fight out our super-hero fantasies with dignity!
MARVEL could pit the likes of IronMan, Spiderman, Capt'n America, Incredible Hulk, Mr.Fantastic, Wolverine, Iceman, Storm and such against DC's finest like Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Green Lantern, Flash, Auquman, Martian Manhunter. Throw in some unlockable badies like Magneto, Mystique, Joker, Dr.Doom etc. and you'd have nothing short of the game that any super-fan could salavate over, and would definitely rush out to appreciate.
Seriously, isn't MARVEL vs DC the fighter that we're all really waiting for?