Christmas came early at the house of KungFool this year, thanks to a GameSpot memeber whom over the last few years has not only become a gaming buddy, but also a cherished friend.
As some of you know, I lost my job last year and decided to go back to University, which has been both a mental and financial struggle to say the least. With exams doing thier best to moch me, and the process itself costing a small fortune, I've been much more stingy with spending this year, especially when it comes to gaming.
So, with a shelf full of older games more than worthy of a second playthrough, I had decided to cancel my pre-order copy of Modern Warfare 2, as it simply wasn't in the budget. Now, after having played so much CoD4 online, I was honestly shocked at the number of private messages and PSN invites I got asking when I'd have MW2 and when I'd come on line with it. Not thinking anything of it, I put what I figured was a harmless comment on my PSN profile faceplate saying "can't afford MW2 yet guys".
Later than night I recieved a message that I did in fact own a copy of MW2, and that it was on its way in the mail.
I won't reveal the identity of the user, as I know they did not do this for any kind of merrit or public praise, but I did want to share the story, simply because it meant so much to me, and though I know the person realizes my thanks, I don't think they fully realize how genuinely greatfull I feel to have such a friend.
Then, barely a few days after knowing MW2 was on its way, I walked into a Walmart with a $25 giftcard in hand, and was surprised to see Dragon Age Origins on sale as the door crasher special, reduced from $69.99 down to $38.88, and then less the giftcard. It was pretty ghetto, me paying for the door crasher special with a giftcard, two crumpled $5's, and ahadnfull of my last pocket change, lol, but the deed was done.
So TKF is heading into the holiday break from University with Modern Warfare 2 and Dragon Age Origins. I honestly figured I'd miss out on both titles, but now I'll be fraggin' folks and slaying darkspawn with wreckless abandon this holiday season, which has already been a special one to remember.