I like Dream Drop Distance more than Birth By sleep.... But that story and drop system... Still, I like it whole lot better because: 1) better balance in commands: Now the big problem in birth by sleep is the lack in challenge in combat (I completed it in he hardest difficulty to know what I am talking about). In Dream drop distance, you need to wait for a certain level before getting stuff like curaga. In birth by sleep, all you need to do is to max out a certain command ad so on until you get what you want.... And don't worry about munny too, you'll get a LOT of it by the time you finished making advanced spells. 2) Certain things lead to consequences: the use of flow motion is powerful, but timing is needed. If you're not too careful, a hard boss WILL kill you. In birth by sleep you just spam... 3) dodge is no longer spamable: you need to be extremely careful when you dodge. 4) no more unnessary grinding for attacks and commands: this speaks for itself. Birth by sleep is a fun game, but it was unbalanced as a whole even to the end. Still, Dream Drop Distance is another game in the series to have its innovation crippled with two major problems.
It's gonna be pretty hard to top 4. How will it do without Snake? Will the gameplay feel fun and stand on it's own when compared to Tactical Espionage? Is people finally ready to accept Raiden? It's gonna have huge weight on it's shoulder :O
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