so people hi to you all! i want to fill my blog lots of things but let me enter here first.
i'm a linux user at office but at home i'm a windows xp user because i want to play those windows games on my pc, though i find playing ps/ps2 games more fun. i play games for 16 years now ? so i'm called a game addict maybe. i think i enjoyed amiga era the most, but ofcourse i'm still enjoying gaming.
in games, i think gameplay is the most important thing, but with new era i want to lose myself in great stories. with Xenogears and Metal Gear Solid's stories they became my favorite games. even they say "everything in this game is fictional" in their deep stories actually they talk about reality, additional to their great gameplay, they have great storylines thus they are the best for me.
i games, what i dislike is copying something with nothing good. i played halo on pc and it was just copy of your old space movies with headsize crossover. i didnt like anything in that game, story was not good because it was just sum up of copies. weapons were few and not amazing. warthog was looking good until you drive, but at least the character was looking fit for warthog, an atv race driver in his green costume. and he was called" Master Chief" ?? i really cant believe how can they be uninspired for the main character. the same things apply for Splinter Cell, the worst stealth game ever. additionally it had terrible controls. if anyone wants a real stealth game, should play Thief.
anyway, lets finish this for our first blog post and lets add this line: " Sensible World of Soccer is the best soccer game" ( i know there are many gamers there say the same thing, at least my friends do )