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TheMork Blog

Sonic the Hedgehog - Oh boy!

Hey guys,

No blog for AGES, I've been a busy busy boy trying to get promoted at work (which is proving to be a lot harder than I originally thought!).  However, the ends will justify the means because if I get the promotion, I can spend the extra cash on GAMES!

I downloaded the Sonic the Hedgehog demo from Xbox Live for the X360, and let's just say November 23 (the release date) can't come any sooner!  It looks like they've made the game similar to the Sonic Adventure series (my favourite Sonic games), and the demo absolutely rocks!  I was originally hoping to buy it with my PS3 next March, but I don't think I can wait that long!!!  I'll most likely buy it on XBOX360, along with Tiger Woods 07 and Tony Hawk's Project 8, which I hope to buy when they're released.

Speaking of the XBOX360, I recently reached 5000 acheivement points!  I was checking out some forums to help me with some of the achievements I've tried to obtain, and was shocked to find people with over 50,000 points!  How the hell do you spend so much time gaming that you get 50,000 points?!  That scares the crap out of me, I hope to never play so much that I get that many points!

Well that's about it from me, I have to be in bed early for work tomorrow (how embarassing), Mork out!

Ah Video Games, how I miss thee....

Hi everyone!

It's been ages since my last post, mainly because I haven't had a lot of time to play any new games!!!  I *FINALLY* unlocked the "Aces Wild" acheivement in Tiger Woods '06, so now I'm trying to get the "Eagle Extravaganza" achievement, which involves getting 50 eagles in online play (I'm hoping that hole-in-ones on par 3s count towards this). 

I sold my PS2 to a friend a few weeks ago, so now I'm ready and waiting for the PS3 to be released!!!  After a lucky stint playing poker at Crown Casino in Melbourne, I was lucky enough to put another $200 down on my pre-order, so I only have $700 to go (for all Americans reading this, I am Australian, and the PS3 is going to cost us $1000 Aussie bucks!). 

Kingdom Hearts II is about to come out in Australia (and about friggin time, too), but I can't really see the point in me buying it, because I'll have nothing to play it on!!!  I'm glad the PS3 will be backwards compatible all the way back to PS1, because I've really enjoyed the games that I had (and still own) on PS2.  I bought my PS2 back in 2002, and with it Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.  That title still remains my favourite of the entire series, and I have beaten it close to 12 times.  For anyone who wants a great (and dirt-cheap) game with a deep storyline, do yourself a favour and buy it!!! 

The PS2 was also home to the greatest game I have ever played: Final Fantasy X.  I have never been a massive RPG fan, but I can remember playing this for 8 hours the day that I bought it!  It's difficult to put into words just how much this game amazed me.  The combination of excellent gameplay, spectacular graphics (just about the best seen on the PS2, at least until FFXII is released), and an utterly riveting story full of interesting characters.  I will always remember the first time I saw the cut-scene with Tidus and Yuna at the lake, to me it marked the end of video games just being seen as lock'n'load, shoot'em up, beat'em up kids toys.  I have always maintained in a lot of ways video games can be deeper and more involved than movies.  Because you're not only watching a story unfold but also having an input into how the characters interact has always appealed to me.  Added to this is the fact that FFX takes (on average) 30-40 hours to complete, you're invested a lot more emotionally into the characters you're controlling.  Of course this doesn't hold true to other genres of games (like sport games or beat'em ups), but I think it is for this reason alone that stand Square-Enix apart from other video game companies.

Anyways, thats enough out of me today, I am going to a band practice now (which is the reason I haven't played many games!).  And for anyone who's curious as to how my aim of completing every Final Fantasy before FFXII is released, I gave up about and hour into Final Fantasy II.  So much for that idea!!!

Oh, and for anyone interested, check out the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots video from E3, looks great!

Curse you Tiger Woods!!!

Hi guys,

It's been a few weeks since my last entry, but nothing much more to report other than I turned 20!!!  Went out for a few nights in a row, got pretty drunk and forgot a good chunk of it, so all in all it was a good birthday!

Now pertaining to the title of this entry, I have been playing Tiger Woods 2006 on my 360 and damn it if it aint the hardest 360 game I've played yet to get Gamerpoints!!!  So far I've only unlocked 5 out of the 16 achievements for a measly 150 points!!!  It was only after investing some serious time in developing my player offline that I learnt that achievement points for Tiger Woods can only be earnt during online play.  Let's just say I wasn't a happy camper!!  I'm going for the "Aces Wild" achievement at the moment, which involves hitting 25 Holes-in-One.  Some of you may say "thats impossible!!" but when you take the factor of Gamebreakers into account,. it's actually a pretty makeable achievement.  For the uninitiated I'll quickly explain; when you make decent drives or accurate approach shots in Tiger Woods, your Gamebreaker bar grows.  When it's full, then you've earnt a Gamebreaker shot, that is way more powerful and accurate.  Using one of these when teeing off from a par 3 hole almost guarantees that you'll get a hole-in-one.  However, it doesn't always guarantee you'll get it in, and it's a real pain in the arse to miss because it means that you'll have to play another whole round just to earn a Gamebreaker to get your hole-in-one!  I think I'm up to around 10 now, so with a bit of patience (and luck) I should be able to get the achievement soon.

Anyway, it's now less than *5* months until the PS3 is launched, so I decided to pre-order one at EB (because I have a strong suspicion that there's going to be a real shortage of them in Australia once its released!).  I put my first $AUD100 down as a deposit (thats 100 Australian dollars), so I only have $900 more to pay on it!!

Well that's just about it from me, for anyone who hasn't already, check out the new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Sonic game on XBOX360 and PS3, it looks fantastic!  It looks like the gameplay is going to bring the games back to the Sonic Adventure series (some of my all-time favourite games).  Oh and for those who are fans of the Hitman series, be sure to have a look at Hitman: Blood Money (on 360 of course!)


First Blog!!!

Hey guys, this is my first blog ever so hopefully it is hilarious and ridiculously entertaining!!!

So...... perhaps a bit about myself to start!  I'm turning 20 in two weeks, and I live in Melbourne, Australia (as I have my entire life).  I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember (I believe we had an Atari at my home when I was about 3).  Currently I own a PS2, XBOX360 and PSP, and I can't wait for the PS3 to launch (ah, the luxury of working full-time and living at home!).

In terms of what games I actually play, pretty much everything!  As long as it is a decent game, I'll always give it a crack.  The only kind of games I REALLY suck at would be real-time strategies (ala Command and Conquer, Warcraft, etc.)  No matter how hard I try, I always seem to get my arse handed to me whenever I try them.  I love really enjoy RPGs and platformers, expecially the Sonic series.  I have been playing Sonic games since my 5th birthday (when my dad bought me Sonic the Hedgehog), and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 would feature prominently on my top 10 favourite games of all time.

So in terms of what I've been playing recently, I was extremely happy to buy by XBOX360 back in March (us Aussies had to wait 4 months longer than you guys!) and with it I bought The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.  I was a massive Morrowind fan a couple of years ago, and I was pleased to find that the series has only gotten better with age.  For anyone who is a fan of RPGs, open-ended gameplay or just GOOD GAMES, I urge you to grab this one, you won't be disappointed.

Sometimes I wish I was working in the games industry so that I could go to E3, but luckily Gamespot's videos have made it easy to see what the fuss was all about without having to fork out for a ticket to the States!  I can't wait for Final Fantasy XII (though it looks like I will have to until at least the PS3 is released!), and the trailer for Final Fantasy XIII looks absolutely mind-blowing!  I've decided to try and play all the Final Fantasies before XII came out, and I completed Final Fantasy I yesterday.  I don't really think I'm gonna have the patience to last through the whole series, but who knows?

Well that's just about it from me tonight, hope it made for intriguing reading, but if it didn't, well I guess you'll have to deal with it!