TheMork / Member

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First Blog!!!

Hey guys, this is my first blog ever so hopefully it is hilarious and ridiculously entertaining!!!

So...... perhaps a bit about myself to start!  I'm turning 20 in two weeks, and I live in Melbourne, Australia (as I have my entire life).  I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember (I believe we had an Atari at my home when I was about 3).  Currently I own a PS2, XBOX360 and PSP, and I can't wait for the PS3 to launch (ah, the luxury of working full-time and living at home!).

In terms of what games I actually play, pretty much everything!  As long as it is a decent game, I'll always give it a crack.  The only kind of games I REALLY suck at would be real-time strategies (ala Command and Conquer, Warcraft, etc.)  No matter how hard I try, I always seem to get my arse handed to me whenever I try them.  I love really enjoy RPGs and platformers, expecially the Sonic series.  I have been playing Sonic games since my 5th birthday (when my dad bought me Sonic the Hedgehog), and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 would feature prominently on my top 10 favourite games of all time.

So in terms of what I've been playing recently, I was extremely happy to buy by XBOX360 back in March (us Aussies had to wait 4 months longer than you guys!) and with it I bought The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.  I was a massive Morrowind fan a couple of years ago, and I was pleased to find that the series has only gotten better with age.  For anyone who is a fan of RPGs, open-ended gameplay or just GOOD GAMES, I urge you to grab this one, you won't be disappointed.

Sometimes I wish I was working in the games industry so that I could go to E3, but luckily Gamespot's videos have made it easy to see what the fuss was all about without having to fork out for a ticket to the States!  I can't wait for Final Fantasy XII (though it looks like I will have to until at least the PS3 is released!), and the trailer for Final Fantasy XIII looks absolutely mind-blowing!  I've decided to try and play all the Final Fantasies before XII came out, and I completed Final Fantasy I yesterday.  I don't really think I'm gonna have the patience to last through the whole series, but who knows?

Well that's just about it from me tonight, hope it made for intriguing reading, but if it didn't, well I guess you'll have to deal with it!