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Inside My Head

I went to GameStop to go look around today. My original intention was to buy Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, but, as always, they didn't have it. I've been looking for that game for a while, and the one time I did see it, I didn't have any money with me. Anyway, I looked aroundin the used xbox games bin and eventually bought MechAssault and Timesplitters 2.

I got home about an hour ago, so I haven't been able to play MechAssault yet. However, I did play Timesplitters 2 and let me tell you, what a game. There is an insane amount of of things to do in this game. Story mode, online, map-maker, co-op, challenges, arena things, unlocking new stuff...the list goes on. It'll be in my Xbox for weeks. I will say that the way you aim your guns (think Goldeneye) kind of pisses me off, but hey, it's a good game nonetheless. The many time periods just add even more to an already limitless game. I'm glad I spent a whole $2.99 on this game :D

I also picked up Gun last week, haven't really played it yet (I'm only about an hour or so in). I've always been a fan of Westerns, and after I saw 3:10 to Yuma, I had a gaming urge for a game set in the wild west. Red Dead Revolver is only $4.99, so I'll be getting that as well.

I haven't picked up Ninja Gaiden in a while. I think I'll go do that right after this.

I think I'm going to pick up a couple older consoles. I'm really getting into retro games, and I need to own something. The games, and consoles, I want to get are:

SNES-Earthbound, Super Metroid, Donky Kong Country (is that what it's called?)

NES-Super Mario Bros., River City Ransom, Final Fantasy, Kid Icarus

N64 (ok, it's not that old, but still...)-Conker's Bad Fur Day, Super Mario 64, Body Harvest, Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time

Maybe an Atari, or a PlayStation...

Well, this is what is in my head at the moment. I hope you all enjoyed it, and hopefully I can write something that is more interesting to read in the coming days.