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Updates 11/28

The Hulk review is now written, and has a sad score of 5.5. It's too bad it was such a let-down. I can see that the game had a lot of potential, but what can you expect from a movie-game? Hopefully movie-games will turn around and surprise us some day.

I went down to EBGames today and purchased a copy of Destroy all Humans! So far, the game is fairly good. It has it's flaws, but it's great fun. Throwing cows with your mind, sucking out people brains, destroying farmhouses with a death-ray, kidnapping innocent civilians, man! It's a game made specificallyso sci-fi geeks can laugh at what they love. I have to admit, I am a huge sci-fi fan. Everything from Star Wars to X-Files, Roddenbury to Lovecraft. For those of you who have read my previous blogs, now you know why I need Mass Effect.

Call of Duty 2, Morrowind, and some of the various Star Wars games will be reviewed by next time, so keep an eye out for them.