I'm gonna go trade in a couple games today to get Dragon Age since its gone down in price. Any thoughts...?
TheNothing716's forum posts
Are any of these old games worth checking out Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Viva Pinata? I'm looking for some good co-op games that I could play with my g/f. That is the reason why I just bought a 360 slim. I already am getting GEOW, LFD and Fable so just looking for other good co-op games. Any other suggestions would be helpful.
Just download the original Perfect Dark of off XBLA. The graphics are updated from the original and it still holds up as an awesome FPS. Also download Castle Crashers, its a fun co-op and if you wanta good loot/dungeon crawler fest mixed with FPS gameplay, Borderlands is highly recommended and includes co-op.
Gonna try one more time, trying to figure out some of the best hits on the 360 to get to warrent the purchase of the slim. SO far I am looking at halo 3, ( or ODST?) FAble 2, already played Gears 2 and MW2 so niether of those. Castle Crashers for the arcade seems to be highly recommended. What are some other games that are just plain fun and amusing? Can be anything genre at all really, just would love some tips for a new 360 user. Ty
If you're looking into Halo, just get ODST. The single player campaign is better than Halo 3 plus it features the entire Halo 3 multiplayer suite. If you just get Halo 3 you would have to buy all of the maps. Plus ODST has Firefight mode which is awesome. Castle Crashers is a lot of fun if you like old school beat em ups a-la Streets of Rage or the old Ninja Turtles games, but they also add an RPG element where you can build up your character's stats as they level up. Braid is another interesting arcade title if you like puzzles. Right now I'm loving the heck out of Battlefield Bad Company 2 FYI.
I normally take the reviews into account for simple research into the mechanics and gameplay, then i look at player reviews and forums to see if its an enjoyable game...
GS USERNAME: TheNothing716
360 GAMERTAG: TheNothing716
REGION: United States
SWEARING LEVEL: eh, only if something REALLY pisses me off
USE HEADSET: Usually only when other people are, read below though...
I started playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 recently and last night for the first time there was someone in my squad with a mic. The game is SOOOOO much better when you're working as a team that way, so if you have a mic and wanna play some BFBC2, add me!
Bioshock. One truly amazing game.TOC48
I second this if you haven't already played it. Almost flawless in every way. This is probably my favorite game of this generation.
Do people still play these games online. Vegas 2 and Graw 2? Thanks.K1LLR3175
People still play Vegas 2 for sure, I was wondering the same about GRAW 2 though? I loved GRAW 1 and was thinking about picking 2 up.
Silent Hill 2 without question was the most disturbing game I have ever played.
Yup, loved it. Still one of my favorites.
Dont get me wrong, RE is awesome, but when it comes to scary/creepy-ness, Silent Hill Destroys Resident Evil.
Well to each their own I guess...All im saying is ...when you play RE1 for ps1...THEN...play SH1 for PS1...RE sh%^& all over SH no doubt. With the music, the zombies, the stairs the doors opening, the gods jumping out...everything was 100% spot on. SH1 was good, but not hard what so ever..No real puzzles..Not much of anything at all compaired to RE1.
Yeah RE has the jumpy scares but Silent Hill has that and just a general sense of dread throughout and more compelling storylines which makes it trump the RE series (but the first RE is pretty awesome, but 2 and 4 are my favorite). Sure the puzzles and action weren't too daunting in the SH series, but the games were more about the story and atmosphere. Plus, gameplay and difficulty don't have a lot to do with scariness which is what the OT is referring to.
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