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ThePedoBear Blog

I love procrastination and rage.

It has come to my attention that I am a procrastination w*ore. I plan things ahead, but I simply wait until the last minute.

Take for example, my CompSci Final; I planned to study 4 entire days for it.. What did I do instead? I r*ped noobs in League of Legends, spent time with my girl, and overall, PLANNED to procrastinate and eventually gave up and watched alot of pr0n before to re-assure me, that Comp Sci.. is.. well.. A slut that loves double pentration.


I am starting to play Mass Effect, and I gotta say.. I love this game.. The feeling I get from this game is the same when I watch Star Wars.. No other Sci-Fi story has captured my attention so well.. I can see this series going places!

PS. Support Steam, purchase games from their holiday list.. Dirt cheap.. I just bought L4D2 for $5! What a steal.

Age of Conan.

Dam you to hell Funcom.

Why is your addicting MMO making me kill myself playing through all this **** I'm currently playing AoC. I am a returning veteran from the release of the game, and let me tell you. Forget about the old Conan. The new one is improved by alot and everything is better and more balanced. Sure the classes are not totally balanced yet but they are working on it weekly.

If you did play the game before, you should get back to it, Funcom is offering a 14 day free trial to old players who still have accounts so you can revisit the game and experience it for yourself!