It has come to my attention that I am a procrastination w*ore. I plan things ahead, but I simply wait until the last minute.
Take for example, my CompSci Final; I planned to study 4 entire days for it.. What did I do instead? I r*ped noobs in League of Legends, spent time with my girl, and overall, PLANNED to procrastinate and eventually gave up and watched alot of pr0n before to re-assure me, that Comp Sci.. is.. well.. A slut that loves double pentration.
I am starting to play Mass Effect, and I gotta say.. I love this game.. The feeling I get from this game is the same when I watch Star Wars.. No other Sci-Fi story has captured my attention so well.. I can see this series going places!
PS. Support Steam, purchase games from their holiday list.. Dirt cheap.. I just bought L4D2 for $5! What a steal.