I'm not really into all this blog stuff, but whatever.
To explain my username, my two favorite movies ever are TheWizard of Oz and The Phantom of the Opera.
You know, you'd probably expect someone on a site like this to be a couch potato and TV show buff, but I'm really not at all. I hardly ever watch TV, but I am a huge movie buff. Whenever I do like a show, I have to wait for the entire season to go on sale at Target so I can watch it, I can't keep up with watching things on TV at a specific time.
I own seasons 1-5 of Monk, and I've seen almost all of them; I'm still working on the 5th season. Monk is by far my favorite show ever, one of the only shows I've ever gotten into. I do have to admit though, it's taking me a while to finish the 5th season. But it's not because I'm getting tired of the show, it's because I absolutely cannot stand Natalie. Anyway, I also tend to get sucked into American Idol halfway through the season. I think the whole voting system of the show is stupid though, people should vote for the person they want to get kicked off, not their favorite person. Other than those two shows I don't really watch anything. I mean, if Full House happens to be on when I'm flipping channels I'll watch that, or if Boy Meets World ever came back on, I'd watch that for sure, but I don't get really into them. I could probably get into Reaper though, I saw the first episode at my Uncle's house and I loved it, but when I sat down on whatever night he said it's on, I found out that I don't get the channel that Reaper is on >_< so I'll definitely be making some trips to target for that one. Oh, and I forgot 24. I started watching the first season, and I got up right to the part where he has to shoot the chick he works with, but then you find out she really survived because it was a bullet proof jacket that he used to hide the gun that he was holding on her back. That was pretty incredible.
Too bad they don't have a www.Movie.com.. or do they? It'd be awesome though because I could do so much more with it. Last night I had some people over and we wanted to go rent the 4th Saw movie, but my mom wouldn't get out of bed, so we bought one of those on demand movies or something, and it was definitely the worst movie i've ever seen in my life. It's called Funny Games. It's so terrible that it's almost worth watching.
"Mom, there's someone here..."