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My Impressions on the CoD 4 demo

So recently I had a chance to download and play the PC demo for Call of Duty 4. Mind you, this was no easy task, seeing as how my PC is over 5 years-old and running on its last legs. Despite all this, CoD4 was optimized for PCs that meet the minimal standards, as it ran fairly smoothly during my playthrough, save for a couple of instances where the game's FPS stuttered.

The core gameplay itself hasn't changed much since CoD2 and 3. You still have your rebounding health, frag grenades, a melee attack and the game also features the return of the sprint function (in singleplayer). Anyone who's ever played CoD2 on the PC should feel right at home, for the controls are the same, save for the Sprint action being set to shift and Melee being set to V. Either way, CoD veterans won't be alienated by the new control scheme.

The demo itself was short, as expected of a demo, but was a kick-@ss experience nonetheless. The demo has the player trying to secure a stranded M1 Abrams. Along the way, the player has a chance to experiment with the games night vision, the new Javelin AT weapon, and crapload of new weapons, ranging from the M4A1 to the G3, to the Dragnouv, the AK, and the W1200 shotgun. Any CoD veteran or just about any FPS fan should try out the demo. As for me, having experience both the demo and the 360 multiplayer beta, my purchase has already been set.