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Red Ring of Death and First time on in 4 months

yes it has been awhile since i have been on, a really long time. but i got the rrod. that sucks. i was starting to get pretty active on live to with street fighter 4 and what not. but now i gotta send it in and resident evil 5 is coming out in 2 weeks, so perfect timing xbox to commit your red ring suicide, not cool.

but i will be on again, so if you have live add me, my gamertag is MAN BEAR ACE, im really diverse with my games so i can probably find something to play with you.

Its Been Awhile

it feels like forever since i wrote a blog on gamespot, ive been on here like twice since the last one i wrote. but yea im still alive for those who were wondering and still playing some games.

i got call of duty world at war and that might be my favorite game ever, its really good. i beat it on veteran already. and thats pretty much it in gaming news for me for the last few months.

i plan on getting street fighter 4 and resident evil 5 when they come out, they seem pretty awesome, and im definetly gonna get the new batman game (arkham asylum)

what games do you guys wanna get in 2009 or later this year? 

Akuma FINALLY Confirmed for Street Fighter 4 (pics)

Today marks the day that i finally found out for sure that Akuma is in SF4. Honestly i use Ken and sometimes i would use Akuma, but for instance my Marvel vs Capcom 2 team is always Ken, Iron Man and Akuma but Akuma is a fan favorite of the Street Fighter franchise and im sure alot of people are happy to hear he is in the game.

It took about a has been almost a year, approximately 10 months to be exact for Akuma to be announced but i for one am glad to hear he is finally in it.


He looks pretty pissed

WOAH, Gamespot Got A Nice Makeover

I was unaware that they were even going to change up the way it looks but right now its looking pretty nice. Its gonna take sometime to figure out what is where but kudos for Gamespot for doing something to make people focus more on this then on Giantbomb

Giant Bomb, Wont be on Gamespot that much anymore

yea i made the crossover to GB, if your over there let me know and maybe you can help me out a little bit, im still getting a customed to it so i dont know all the list and other stuff or how we call tracking track and what they call it and what not.

heres the link to my page HERE

Over there i will be known as ManBearAce, that is my Gamertag name but i think you can change it whenever you want like on myspace, which is pretty cool.

from the looks of it, it looks like gamespot has met its match

Nintendos Press Conference Makes Me Glad That I Bought a 360 + Other E3 News

Dont get me wrong, Microsofts press confernece made me glad i bought a 360 also but nintendos was a huge letdown.

No new Zelda, no new Starfox, no new Pikmin. So what game did they announce to please Nintendos hardcore gamer, Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing, Really? At what point does Animal Crossing come across as a game for a hardcore gamer.

Wii fans will be happy to see that the new Call of Duty is coming to the Wii, but im pretty sure every wii60 owner or pswii was already planning on getting that game, and there still getting it for there other system.

Now Microsoft had a awesome E3 so far, they gave out info on almost all there big games, im pretty disappointed that i didnt see Dead Rising 2 yet but theres still plenty of E3 to go. And when they were saying all there Rareware stuff, i thought my longshot of a dream was gonna come true with a sequel to Conkers Bad Fur Day, but it didnt.

Even Sony had a decent press conference, i didnt see it all but i Resistence PSP game looks like a must have, DLC for that Ratchet and Clank game was announced aswell as God of War 3, but no Kingdom Hearts.

I think Microsoft had the best E3, with the avatars thing and the remodel of xbox live, not to mention they partnered with Netflix, Universal and NBC, now i get to see the greatest show on the universe on my 360, The Office. Also i know tonight there gonna have new info on Street Fighter 4 so i cant wait to see that.

Well ill leave asking what did you think of the press conferences?

Games I Want To See New Info on and New Games I Want To See Announced at E3

Games i want to get new info on

Indiana Jones
Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 5
Bioshock 2
Soul Calibur 4 - new characters or else im probably not getting it
Gears 2

im still unsure about MK vs DC, ive seen some trailers and it doesnt look that good. the enviorments look awesome but the fighting looks... dont know how to put this but bland, im not sure if im gonna get it or not but i probably will

and i dont really need new info on Guitar Hero 4 since basically everything but the songs is announced but i want that bad boy

Games i want to see announced

a sequel to Conkers Bad Fur Day
Dead Rising 2
Spore for the consoles
Star Fox Wii
Pikmin Wii
a good game for Wii, im almost at the point where i regret buying it
Marvel vs Capcom 3, god i want this game to be made so bad

im probably forgetting some but what games do you guys want to see at E3

I Started Playing Guitar (real guitar) Not Gonna Be on Alot

I finally started playing guitar and so far i dont have any chords memorized and i dont know all the strings by letter yet. But i can play the intro to enter sandman and the james bond theme, both slowly. I started today by the way

My guitars are a black acoustic guitar from applause

mines the black one, it was 200

and i also have a custom bule flying v with a wooden fade, it looks cool but the electrics are all messed up, it resembles this pin

so wish me luck and when im on ill try to comment as much as i can, maybe ill get something on youtube one of these days