Dont get me wrong, Microsofts press confernece made me glad i bought a 360 also but nintendos was a huge letdown.
No new Zelda, no new Starfox, no new Pikmin. So what game did they announce to please Nintendos hardcore gamer, Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing, Really? At what point does Animal Crossing come across as a game for a hardcore gamer.
Wii fans will be happy to see that the new Call of Duty is coming to the Wii, but im pretty sure every wii60 owner or pswii was already planning on getting that game, and there still getting it for there other system.
Now Microsoft had a awesome E3 so far, they gave out info on almost all there big games, im pretty disappointed that i didnt see Dead Rising 2 yet but theres still plenty of E3 to go. And when they were saying all there Rareware stuff, i thought my longshot of a dream was gonna come true with a sequel to Conkers Bad Fur Day, but it didnt.
Even Sony had a decent press conference, i didnt see it all but i Resistence PSP game looks like a must have, DLC for that Ratchet and Clank game was announced aswell as God of War 3, but no Kingdom Hearts.
I think Microsoft had the best E3, with the avatars thing and the remodel of xbox live, not to mention they partnered with Netflix, Universal and NBC, now i get to see the greatest show on the universe on my 360, The Office. Also i know tonight there gonna have new info on Street Fighter 4 so i cant wait to see that.
Well ill leave asking what did you think of the press conferences?
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