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Friday was a really bad day for my friend

ok heres what happened. we were walking from a store and there was some gangstas looking at us but we just kept walking. the thing is as we looked back those guys were following us for a reason so we just kept walking and they were still following us. so my friend said if i knew another route to go and so we went another direction. next thing you know we looked back and they were still following us!!! i actually thougth they were after me but it turns out they were. anyway the thugs ran up to us and told my friend to let him see his ipod "which was a ipod video with 30 GB and costs $300" so my friend stayed silent for a moment and then said "why" so the thug once again said "let me see your ipod!" and once again my friend replied saying "for what??" so the thug got mad and punched my friend really hard in the nose and opened him up and strted bleeding badly. so some other guy said if we had anything else in our pockets but me and my other friend said no and he believed us "they were probly scared too cause they didnt search us or anything" so they just walked away

but how stupid do they think we are? did they actually think that we were going to give them the money if we had it??? "which my friend had like $15 on him" so the thugs ran away and we just kept walking while my friend was bleeding. well at least he got to keep his ipod luckily.

we helped him out while he was bleeding by getting him some napkins and yea he called his mom but she woulnt pick up so he went back home so he could go to the hospital. and thats out day Friday.

Alrigth Tell me what next Gen Console u think will own the most?

The ps3 is my main console and that will be the first one i will get if the price is rigth. either that or the nintendo "wii" AKA Nintendo Revolution. i cant beileve they change its name but anyway i think the ps3 will own both next Gen consoles in every way even tho their will be some good things about the other 2 that may the ps3 wont have but will see wont we.  The PS3 Will Rock next Generation Gaming!:D

what do you guys think of the new name and if nintendo told the fans to name it then what would u name the console?

oh and about the 360 i dont think ill get it until the fix they problems it has.