There's been many movies and games based on zombie outbreaks. Dawn of The Dead, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Night of The Living Dead, Zombie Land and much more. Although the human race has not yet experienced an outbreak of a flesh-eating virus before, or has it? What would you do in a Zombie Outbreak?I'vemade up some questions and I'm going to answer them myself, and I'd love it if you could answer them too as I love hearing your opinions :)
1. What videogame character would you like to accomany you when the outbreak happens and why?
I would have to choose Jill Valentine as I think she's been through a lot with zombies, giving her that extra edge when we're faced with dangers. Also, she's nice to look at while kicking zombie's butts :P
2. What would be your ultimate weapon choice?
Em... I'd probably go with an ulimated rocket launcher that's really quick at reloading.
3. What would be your tactic when faced with hoardes of zombies? Flee, Try to kill them all or get your partner(s) to attempt to kill them while you sit back and watch.
Being an average build, I probably would try to kill them, although if I knew there was no chance I would flee.
4. What would you do if your closest family member or friend was bitten by a zombie?
Wow! That would be so sad!If Zombrex (From Dead Rising 2) was about, I would get a one hundred years supply to keep them alive. If there wasn't Zombrex, I would leave the country they're in and hope that they'd survive :(
5. Would you be scared if it happened?
Damn right, I'd be crapping my pants :D
6. Would you kill a little child zombie? If so what would you be feeling?
This sounds so mean and heartless, but it's a zombie and no longer a child, so I'd kill it :(
7. Do you think you could survive the outbreak for more than a year?
I probably would, if I used my mental and physical strength to my best abilites.
8. If there was a door that you needed to go through, but a hoarde of zombies were advancing towards you and your sidekick, would you either let them get through and die or you leave them and get to safety yourself?
The main thing I know about survival is that you are the main priority, nobody else, so I would leave them and get through myself :P
So, yeah, I hope I don't sound really heartless. What would you do? Please answer these questions :)
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