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TheReviewingGuy Blog

I'm Back!

Hey friends! If you've been paying attention, I haven't been on gamespot for a while now. Private matters andschool have played a big part in my disappearance, but I'm just posting a blog to let you guys know that I'm still here and that I will hopefully be on more reguarly.

Oh :o

I want to say a huge thank you to the awesome people that have followed me! I've actually recieved a popular achievment, something I never saw me achieving! Thanks so much :D

What Would You Do In A Zombie Outbreak?

There's been many movies and games based on zombie outbreaks. Dawn of The Dead, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Night of The Living Dead, Zombie Land and much more. Although the human race has not yet experienced an outbreak of a flesh-eating virus before, or has it? What would you do in a Zombie Outbreak?I'vemade up some questions and I'm going to answer them myself, and I'd love it if you could answer them too as I love hearing your opinions :)

1. What videogame character would you like to accomany you when the outbreak happens and why?
I would have to choose Jill Valentine as I think she's been through a lot with zombies, giving her that extra edge when we're faced with dangers. Also, she's nice to look at while kicking zombie's butts :P

2. What would be your ultimate weapon choice?
Em... I'd probably go with an ulimated rocket launcher that's really quick at reloading.

3. What would be your tactic when faced with hoardes of zombies? Flee, Try to kill them all or get your partner(s) to attempt to kill them while you sit back and watch.
Being an average build, I probably would try to kill them, although if I knew there was no chance I would flee.

4. What would you do if your closest family member or friend was bitten by a zombie?
Wow! That would be so sad!If Zombrex (From Dead Rising 2) was about, I would get a one hundred years supply to keep them alive. If there wasn't Zombrex, I would leave the country they're in and hope that they'd survive :(

5. Would you be scared if it happened?
Damn right, I'd be crapping my pants :D

6. Would you kill a little child zombie? If so what would you be feeling?
This sounds so mean and heartless, but it's a zombie and no longer a child, so I'd kill it :(

7. Do you think you could survive the outbreak for more than a year?
I probably would, if I used my mental and physical strength to my best abilites.

8. If there was a door that you needed to go through, but a hoarde of zombies were advancing towards you and your sidekick, would you either let them get through and die or you leave them and get to safety yourself?
The main thing I know about survival is that you are the main priority, nobody else, so I would leave them and get through myself :P

So, yeah, I hope I don't sound really heartless. What would you do? Please answer these questions :)

Don't Hate Me!

Omg, guys! I commented on the All Time Greatest Villain, stating that I didn't see how Kerrigan was winning, as she had only been featured in two games. I wasn't hating on her, I was just saying that we don't know her that much, so why is she in the lead. That was my opinion, and I am a totally open-minded person, so I accept and take in other people's thoughts and opinions. Unfortunately some people don't :(

I posted it about twenty minutes ago and I've got over twenty-five messages of hate! I don't see why I'm getting so much! Lmao, I only stated my opion :P

Below is a few messages that some ignorant people sent me:

1. You are a f*****! What does the amount of games in the series matter?

2. Ultimate FAIL! Go sitin a corner and let the grown-ups talk.

3. Shut the hell up! Darth Vader isn't even a game villain, he's a movie villain, so get your facts right before you start dissin' Kerrigan!

4. OMG, what the f*** are you on about?

5. Die...

Lol, I didn't know my comment would have such an effect on these idiot's lives :P

I really don't mind if you voted for Kerrigan, as a matter of fact I did vote for herin a previous round, but I just think Darth Vader is better :D

End Of The World, 2013! (Please Read All)

So, today I was reading the newspaper, and the main story was the end of the world in 2013. If you don't already know, I'm a paranoid freak and hate anything to do with the end of the world of global warming or anything like that. I personally don't believe in climate change/global warming, as the world naturally warms up and then cools down. Although this topic is nothing to do with climate change! I'm getting sick of all of this "End of The World" crap. First it was the millenium, then it was 2012, and now it's 2013. What the hell?

Basically in the newspaper it said that NASA and other scientists around the world believe that the sun will emitt powerful flares and will cause solar showers to occur in 2013. Apparantly, the power of the flares will shut down all electricity. That means no fridges, freezers, cookers, phones, internet, computers, game consoles, TV's, cars, airplanes and boats. The sun emitts these rays once every centuary. It last happened in 1859, causing electric lines to shut down on either side of the Atlantic. Luckily, not much damage happened, because back then they didn't have any planes. Although scientists warn that because of how advanced we are, we may not be able to survive without all of our daily needs.

I don't know what to believe. Please, I love hearing your comments and thoughts, so PLEASE tell me what you think. I need someone else's opinion :)

Back To School...Damn It!

Hey everyone! So, if you didn't already know, I had a really bad cold all of last week and I'm still not fully recovered. Although, I have a big part in my school drama production, so I can't really miss rehearsals and stuff, so my parents made me go today!Darn it :(

I don't really mind though, at least I saw my friends and stuff. The day seemed to carry on forever, and to make matters worse, math was the first period :o

So, I thought I'd tell you guys. Maybe you liked hearing about this, maybe you don't. Either way, I just want to let you know I'm back to school. It's a big change, walking around a huge school, when just a few days ago I was all cosy in around 17 bed quilts and playing the Wii all day :)

I just want to say thank you to everyone that's tracking me too! You guys are awesome :D

My Favourite Singers!

Hey friends! I've been making a lot of "Favourite" blogs (P.S, I spell favourite that way, it's how I was taught at school. I know it's the British spelling, so please don't correct me). I'm trying to stay away from them types of blogs, but I thought I'd make a blog about my favourite singers. I'd really like it if you could tell me yours too :D


I love this crazy lady! I think she's reallyoriginal and I also think that she's an amazing singer. Live and albums! She's the onlyfemale artist out there at the moment whoisn't going to fade into the background in a few years.I've been to five of her concerts and I actually got to meet her backstage once! It was for my birthday last year, a present from my mom and dad, and I was so excited :D


If you don't already know, I'm obsessed with Japan and their culture. I love their music and when I played Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly, I fell in love with Tsukiko's song, Chou (Which means Butterfly in Japanese). She's a huge inspiration to me, and I love all of her songs :)


Possibly one of the greatest rock bands around. My mom loves them and she got me to like them froma very young age. I really wish they were stilla band...


Eminem is the only rapper I like. He's also the only one I can actually understand. The rest mumble and I can't make a single word out. I love his song with Rihanna, "Love The Way You Lie". It's awesome :D

I have tons more, although they're the main ones in my head at the moment. I really want to hear your thoughts and your own opinons :)

Would You Pay $5,000 For A Game?

I've recently taken an obsession with theUncharted series. I must admit, I've only played the second and haven't fully completed it. You see, I rented it, just to see if I'd like it. As Christmas is approaching,I did a little research on Uncharted.

I love collecting special editions of games. I've got most of the special editions of the Resident Evil and Tomb Raider games. So, I heard about Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Fortune Hunter Edition. I decided to buy it, so I searched it on Ebay. When I saw the price tag, my jaw dropped in horror! It was priced at $4,990! What the hell? I don't know about you, but I would NEVER pay that amount of money on one game! I could buy most of the mainstream gaming consoles as well as a lot of games for each of them. The only groundbreaking differences to this edition is that it comes signed by the Naughty Dog team and has a real metalic relic. Other than that, it's basically the same game with a soundtrack, guide and downloadable content.

Would you pay that amount for one game? Tell me what you think :D

A Bit About Me

I thought I'd make a blog about me,so here's all the essential details about me.Thisblog is somewhat pointless, I know, butI thought it might be useful information for myGamespot friends:)

Name: Ryan

Occupation: Student

Gender: Male

Nationality: USA

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Type: White

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, acting,reading, playing videogames and collecting horror memrobelia

Favourite Foods: Pizza, pasta and candy! Yum :lol:

Favourite Game Console: I like them all. They all have their own speical characteristics :

Relationship Status: Single. Lol :(

Pets: One Pug and an Egyptian Cat

Favourite Genre: Horror and Adventure

Favourite Singers: Em... Lady Gaga, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses and Tsukiko Amano. I also have much more, but I can't think of them :P

Favourite Book: Loads :)

Consoles I own: PS1, PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, DS, Atari 2600 (My dad's) and an NES (My dad's as well)

This blog was mostly made because of the amount of bordem I am suffering from! Lmao :D

The Manga That I Love!

I haven't really expressed my love for Manga and Anime, so I thought that I'd make a blog about some of the Manga that I either read or watch! I'd love to see what you think and if you're interested in Manga, please comment the ones that you like too :)


The Highschool of The Dead is a series of books and was later adapted into a TV show. It follows the struggles of a group of highschool students who are battling hoardes of zombies in order to survive. I haven't read the books yet, although I'm a constant follower of the TV show!


Battle Royal is a popular novel, series of Manga books and a Japanese movie. The story is about a realityTV show in which randomgroup ofhighschoolersare sent to a deserted island and need to kill eachother in order to survive. It's basically a gorey version of Last Man Standing.


I love this! It's a series of Manga books, Manga show and I think there are two or three Japanese movies based on it. I've only seen the show and read the books, and I really enjoy it. It's basically about a guy who has the power to kill anyone by writing their name in a notebook belonging to another world.


Hell Girl is a series of Manga novels and a TV show. I first saw the TV show and this really creeped me out. It's super freaky, kind of like Silent Hill or Haunting Ground, although Hell Girl has it's own unique twist and terror. It's a must watch (Or read)!


An insanley popular Manga show and series of books. I must admit, I've only seen a few episodes, mostly because I hear that they slowly get worse, but the episodes I've seen are really cool and full of twists and action packed scenes!


A really cute and childish series of books! I've got them all and have read them over and over again. They aren't the most exciting, although they certainly are a pleasure to read!

I have a huge list of others, although I'm tired and I know that if I wrote all the others down, this would be the longest blog ever! Lmao :D

My Horror Story

If you don't already know, I'm a HUGE horror fan. Ever since I was a little toddler, I've been watching horror movies. Some people say that it's wrong for children to watch horror movies, because it can apparantly cause psychological defects. Don't worry, I'm perfectly normal, free from any mental illnesses :P

One of my first horror memories I canrememberis my uncle turning on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He didn't let me watch the full movie, but he put on the part when Leatherfacehung the girlon the meat hook. Iwas about four and Iwas terrifyed. Although I enjoyed theemotion of fear, and soon asked mydad ifI could watch a full horror movie.My dad is crazy for horror too and allowed me to watch Stephen King's, The Shining, staring award winning Jack Nicholson. It's one of my dad's favourite movies, as well as one of mine!

My parents broke up when I was a baby, so I took turns staying at either of their houses. My mom wasn't strict, although she never agreed with me watching horror movies. That's why I was so excited to go to my dad's house, as I knew there would be another blood-curdling movie waiting for me. At the age of six I had collected over 70 horror movies, all of which I had watched over and over infinately. I know 70 isn't a lot, but when you picture a six year old child with them, it's quite a lot. My mom didn't know about my secret stash at my dad's house, and I would never tell her as I knew she'd freak out. I think she knew about my fascination with horror, as she would catch me drawing Leatherface killing people or playing Friday the 13th with my cousins. Eventually, at the age of 10, my mom bought me a horror movie for my birthday and I was so happy! I can't remember what it is, although I know it's in my collection somewhere.

When I bought my PS1 console, the first game I bought wasResident Evil. I then went on to collect all of the PS1 Resident Evil games as well as Silent Hill. I can't say much more, as I would go on forever, but I currently have 479 horror movies and around 100 survival horror games. I hope to geta lot more! :D

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