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A Bit About Me

I thought I'd make a blog about me,so here's all the essential details about me.Thisblog is somewhat pointless, I know, butI thought it might be useful information for myGamespot friends:)

Name: Ryan

Occupation: Student

Gender: Male

Nationality: USA

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Type: White

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, acting,reading, playing videogames and collecting horror memrobelia

Favourite Foods: Pizza, pasta and candy! Yum :lol:

Favourite Game Console: I like them all. They all have their own speical characteristics :

Relationship Status: Single. Lol :(

Pets: One Pug and an Egyptian Cat

Favourite Genre: Horror and Adventure

Favourite Singers: Em... Lady Gaga, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses and Tsukiko Amano. I also have much more, but I can't think of them :P

Favourite Book: Loads :)

Consoles I own: PS1, PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, DS, Atari 2600 (My dad's) and an NES (My dad's as well)

This blog was mostly made because of the amount of bordem I am suffering from! Lmao :D