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Y'know, at one point I wished I had a life ... now, I don't.

Things have been a bit busy lately.

I have my passport in order, plane ticket is in order, now, all I need is for the 20th of April to come (preferably as quickly as possible) and I'm set. England, here I come. Prepare for me, in all my amazing glory.

On a side note, things at work are rather .s.h.i.t.t.y. This stupid woman that works during the day got me into so much trouble on Monday - saying I didn't do my job and such. I honestly believe she sabatoged a lot of things, because I have heard from more than one person that she is like that. Hateful, spiteful, ridiculous, etc. Well, what she did was so bad, I actually had a screaming match with my boss. For starters, I don't take crap from anyone, and just because you pay me an hourly wage, doesn't mean you can talk to me like I'm a piece of .s.h.i.t.

Well, I can't stay angry over this. Why? I have plans. Now, don't tell me to grin and bear it, or to ignore her - she caused a LOT ofproblems for me, and two others that day, and I already know what I'm going to do to get over on her. Won't discuss it here, but let's just say that karma's a bee-yotch and so am I.

On the positive side, I got Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Also, I have never played BioShock (seeing as I don't own an Xbox) but I read the story on it, and HOLY HELL, I AM IN LOVE WITH THE STORYLINE. And Condemned 2: Bloodshot looks appealing to my effed up senses. Yum.

Alright, I think I'm done. Toodles and such.

And if loverboy is reading this, I am NOT sex on legs, mmkay?

Not Quite Deceased.

I really need to get my life in order. Instead, I'm a moron who keeps everything bottled up, and when I feel like I can't handle it, I explode.

Now, I'm worried about my boyfriend. I don't know if he went to the hospital or the doctor, but he was in pain, and I haven't heard from him in a few hours. I just hope he's okay. I want to call, but I'm afraid to, and I am not even sure if he brought his cell phone with him. :(

I need to go to bed now. I'll try and catch up on journals tomorrow, or Wednesday. I haven't been around much, because I started reading books again. Like, really reading. Start one book, then move onto another. I've neglected a lot, to be honest. I suck as a person.

All by my lonesome self.

And damn, do I like it.

Perhaps I'm just a loner by nature. I'm off to curl up with a good book, then it's lights out.

Did I mention how much I enjoy being alone?

You would think that a gaming site would have 'Redfield' as a legal word.

I've sort of taken up writing again. It just so happens that one day, I'll have "creativity" leaking out of every pore of my body, and the next day, it dries up. The only issue is, I can be chock full of ideas one day, but have no ideas for ages. Depressing cycle, really.

I purchased Tomb Raider: Anniversary for the PSP. Well, not me, but a family member did. I originally wanted Silent Hill Origins, but they were sold out, and I knew my PSP needs more loving that it has been receiving, so I got a PSP game instead of something else. I forgot how much I loved TRA on the PS2. At least now, I can take it to work with me, and "go to the bathroom" but now, instead of calling people, I'll play PSP. Who cares if they think I'm taking a massive dump? All I care about is getting off on gaming. Sad? Yes. Pathetic? Definitely.

That reminds me, I still need to get a few other games for PSP. Someone told me that Infected was kind of like RE. I will have to check that out. It's just unfair, I don't spend too much time at home (aside from sleeping) so I don't get much gaming done. Damn you, real world, damn you straight to hell!

Alright; I'm done being dramatic. I think I'll draw. Or play something. I have this urge to sketch Lara Croft, now. Or Chris Redfield. I need to finish my letter to Capcom.


Have you ever thought about the type of person you have become? Is it what you expected?

I always thought I would be somewhere else at this age. I also thought I would be someone else. When I was younger, I always had these delusions of grandeur, that I was going to be something special. I was going to be someone.

Instead, I look at myself now, and I see nothing. A nobody. I did not become what I wanted, nor did I become anyone, really. Unless you count all the negativity in my life.

I am a negative person in general, by default, even. I am vindictive, cynical, b i t c h without a cause. The smallest of things can set me off. I am generally an angry person, but I treat others like I want to be treated. Am I a walking contradiction? Yes.

Then, you have the people that don't believe that at all. I have been told that I'm cute, sweet, polite, and adorable, among other positive influences. People seem to love me - as if I am a beaming magnet of sugar and honey. I honestly wish I were, but where's the fun in being nice?