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TheSaxantonio Blog

PS Vita

I think the PS Vita will be a great handheld (Compared to the other poratbales sny gave us). It's graphics are very percise and cut-clean. It's software line-up looks great as well as the 3G and wi-fi capabilities. The touch screen and the back touch......thing makes games interactive, as if your in them.

Super Mario 3D Land

I can't wait for this game since I have played and grown up with all of the original Mario Platformers. Since it combines the classic 2D get to the flagpole, mini Mario, item block bashing gaming and in a Glaxy type playing field it looks amazing. I really just want to see more of the older suits like Frog suit, Hammer Bros. suit and Yoshi. I also wonder if there are new power ups are they any good unlike Boulder Mario and Spring Mario.

Sonic Generations

I say it's going to be one of two things: 1. Half good and half bad. Reason, beacause classic sonic looks and feels like the good old Genesis (with a few minor mistakes) momentum living hedgehog. or 2. All great. Playing Sonic colors and the original Adventure games made me realize that sonic breaking the 3rd dimension feels not terrible and maybe can go in a positive direction. What do I hope it will be. Well I want the game mostly for Classic Sonic and if his levels are great and interactive I willl give it a great review, and then if Modern Sonic is even the same as Sonic Colors then I'll be happy. SO I can't wait for it to come out and until next Blog see yah!