ya he will be able to get one. zelda was limited release, for the first shippments. besides that, people are getting zelda now. so, he will get re mercenaries 3d on release.
I know you will prob laugh at me for saying this but, Try installing the game to the Hard drive. It helped me with alot of my games that would freeze at random.
ALOT Of People online consider someone who uses fireballs or Projectiles "SPAMMING". Some of it is actually just CHIP DAMGE. Normal people just cant tell the difference. The REAL PROBLEM, Is the "Sentinels" That show up online and sit in ONE CORNER And use the Laser or attack with the same Rocket arms up and down. OVER AND OVER. Thats the problem people are facing online.
lol Besides that the "Spamming" That people are complaing about is actually just "Chip Damage". People need to learn the difference.
It might be off alignment. I havent heard of SLIMS Having this issue. I have 2 and havent had anything like that happen. Try to see if its loose while the tray is open, if it is......You might have to send it in. OR, Find someone near you through craigslist to have them do it quicker.
I got The DLC Pack at Gamestop because I was there and thought "What The Hell". I actually like Berlin wall, the red "Kill Zone" In the middle is kind of a good Idea. Ive played zombie By Myslef for abit and It was cool, but Im sure It will be better with Other people. Any one know how to unlock the third Zombie Map?
lol The one problem I see from this FREE LIVE WEEKEND Is that when I Give my live name out on here for people to contact me, People ask me if I have 48hr trials or 1-Month free Cards.
I do have them, But I need them. I got them with games I BOUGHT WITH CASH. Why Would I want to just give them away.
4GB Isnt good if you INSTALL Games instead of playing them directly from the DvD Drive. I put a 20GB hard drive in My 4GB, And I have 4 Other usb Flash Drives to Install games and play them. I dont want to put wear & Tear On it. The 4GB Model is good, But just make sure you get Flash Drives and INSTALL Your games. It may seem like alot, but Its the best thing to do to extend the life of your system.
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