You'll be fine. I just beat it tonight and I'm in the US. They can't do anything about you playing a game early. They will ban you if they detect your have modified firmware.
I think it's wrong to judge anyone as you have no right nor know the circumstances. There are plenty of people with medical issues out of their control. If someone who is over weight is truly happy with themselves, then I say let them be. Same way with people who decide to have other unhealthy habits. At the end of the day it's their life and should do what makes them happy.
I think smoking cigs is just plain dumb. Euthanasia is illegal, but somehow the tobacco companies get away with assisted suicide daily. Seems like BS to me.
I just finished the game up tonight and posted a review on here of it. I give it a solid 8. The game is fun and I had a good time playing it. I honestly don't understand why people keep saying GoW this, GoW that. If you enjoy playing video games then get both. I sold my PS3, so the choice was easy for me, but any real gamer doesn't complain about this game and that game copying or being better. Just play them for what they are.
The game needs tweaking and it would be great. First off the knifing is HORRIBLE. Second it seems that the weapons are a little off balance and underpowered in some ways. I still think a hybrid Call of Duty weapons/game play and BF environment/vehicles would be the perfect game.
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