This is somehow a continuation of my 2009 blog.
I'm now playing Kingdoms of Amalur, totally enjoy playing it, now about 85 hours in, and I just thought a few days ago "why not try to get the platinum?".
I know now I won't have the platinum, as I won't get the one trophy where you have to finish the game on "hard" ( been playing the first hours on easy, then switched to normal - I hoped I could trick by choosing "hard" just before the end game, after all the game lets you choose your difficulty all along, that's one of the major points of the game, the developers used this argument over and over to have gamers be free of how they want to play the game. But now it's a double edged argument as it means I'll have to do another full playthtrough of the game (maybe 15 or 20 hours) to get this one only.
Trophies are now totally useless to me, I won't care getting them, they'll just be an annoyance to me. I've enjoyed this game for 85 hours, there's already one trophy I can't get on this 85 hour playthrough, and some I could have gotten easily, but my playstyle (killing with Chakram and playing an honest - not committing crimes- person) prevents me from getting some trophies (there's two that require stealing, and one where you have to do special attacks that my primary weapon the chakram won't allow), the other ones are just random (50 persuasion attempts, I have no idea how many I got, maybe 25, maybe 40, I really don't care now ; getting 10 of all reagents - I really found fun to get all reagents I could see, now I know it'll just click sometime, or not a at all cause one will be super rare).
So thanks for adding some things you have to do in game that you can totally miss by just playing to see the main story unfold, or just to play in your own style. I've played 200+ hours of Eye of Judgment, I'm at 62%, I've finished Tomb raider underworld twice, really exploring many places, having fun to jump around, i'm at 58%. Played many hours of Prince of Persia 2008, having found 1000 light spheres, could never find the missing one, and it's a bronze trophy, why isn't it gold as it's a major pain to get it???!!!
I'm a 42 year old gamer, played since I was 7 on the Atari 2600, knew times when playing was its own reward, and having fun was just natural. I now officially hate trophies, despise profoundly the guy who had the idea to implement it in the first place (who is a Microsoft guy so no wonder it's a terrible idea).
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