More positive blog this time. If you read my past blog, you obviuosly know about my screwed-up arm. My grade is having a two dayski trip monday, and because of my arm, i can't go, which kinda sucks. I'm not that upset though, because that means i now get a five day weekend, since i then have a profesional daywedsnday, and a sleep in thursday, its gonna be a sick week. I now have five days to do nothing. Well, not nothing.
I recently finished MW2, which i borrowed from a friend, and started to do the Spec ops but realized that its no fun by yourself, so i gave it back to him so i could gop to his house and play it.ALso, i just got AC2, and i am ridiculously addicted. I honestly cant stop playing. So far i've found around 20 feathers, 6 glyphs and 3 assasin tombs. (if you havent played AC2 yet, you might understand that last sentence). Its amazing in every apsect. Also, i plan on replaying Republic Commando, just cause i feel like it. Also, i might play some strret hockey with my friends if i feel like it.
Also, i just realized that i got a new emblem, for voting in the 09 awards, which is sweet.
One more random thing...
I got a fohawk today, and it looks pretty good.