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TheWartongue Blog

Looking back at 2008

Oh what an expensive year to be a gamer...

This year started off with me missing out on a lot of great games since my X-box 360 decided to red ring on me. I couldn't afford a new system at the time so i hit the WoW and tried a couple of new MMOs that developers were throwing into the WoW money pool. First up was AoC ( Age of Conan ) which was all flash and no substance. Then I tried Warhammer online which is actually a very good game.

Fast forward to Spore. That game gave me a good first impression but revealed that it was very shallow and not even close to the omfgwtfbbq that Will Wright claimed it was.

I went retarded for a portion of the year and bought a Wii. I enjoyed Mario galaxy and No More Heroes but yeah...That's all the system really has to offer.

I played catch up recently when I bought a PS3. I have enjoyed Littlebigplanet , MGS4 , Dead Space , Fallout 3 ( PC ) , Farcry 2 and GTA4.....expensive month.

WoW Killers! ZOMG!

"Oh man I can't wait until -random mmo- comes out! it'll definently pwn WoW!" -every random fanboy on the web

Well...where to begin with this nonsense trend that I have seen in every MMO made since the satanic "World of Warcraft" came out.

First of all, WoW is a great game that revolutionized the MMO as we know it. Despite the nonsense people claim about its launch, WoW was perfectly playable and had all of the features that make it great today the day it hit store shelves. The worst thing that happened was the servers couldn't handle the massive surges of people who bought the game since Blizzard had no clue they had made the most popular online game of all time.

Here's the hilarious part of the whole story. After maybe a year or so people being the synical creatures that we are couldn't stand to see WoW doing so well...They had to see another game come out and take it's place as the #1 MMO on the market. Personally I didn't pay attention to the WoW haters until a game came out that gamespot loved and people rated with perfect 10s saying: "rainbows will shoot from your arse if you try it!" ...Age of Conan! Dun dun dun!!!! The game was amazing until you hit level 20 ( of 80 ) and they cut the VO , interesting quests , different gear models , content and all fun in general. Such a "WoW killer"...I hear there are like 2 people who still play it

In conclusion...Who cares how good WoW is doing? if you don't like it don't play it...simple. Personally I'm tired of the game...I'm playing Warhammer online and loving it. As long as the population can sustain 3 or 4 servers im fine where I am. Wrath of the lich king is gonna come out , sell a trillion copys and pull old WoW players out of Warhammer. I couldn't care a's a game...have fun , stop whining!

Thanks for your time

WAR: Wartongue - Zealot - Azazel server :D