Oh what an expensive year to be a gamer...
This year started off with me missing out on a lot of great games since my X-box 360 decided to red ring on me. I couldn't afford a new system at the time so i hit the WoW and tried a couple of new MMOs that developers were throwing into the WoW money pool. First up was AoC ( Age of Conan ) which was all flash and no substance. Then I tried Warhammer online which is actually a very good game.
Fast forward to Spore. That game gave me a good first impression but revealed that it was very shallow and not even close to the omfgwtfbbq that Will Wright claimed it was.
I went retarded for a portion of the year and bought a Wii. I enjoyed Mario galaxy and No More Heroes but yeah...That's all the system really has to offer.
I played catch up recently when I bought a PS3. I have enjoyed Littlebigplanet , MGS4 , Dead Space , Fallout 3 ( PC ) , Farcry 2 and GTA4.....expensive month.
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