Sequels as DLC?
by TheWatchfulEye on Comments
I've seen some pretty interesting ideas being tossed around about sequels being DLC instead of full $60 games. Most notably, Left4Dead 2 should be DLC rather than its own game. From what I've seen and played, there is enough content that would make it worth being a fully priced game rather than a ten dollar add-on, like GTA's Ballad of Gay Tony. I can see why people would be upset with a sequel coming out shortly after the original, with a lot of support and DLC for the original being promised; however, I feel that the online petition that was started was a bit much. It didn't overtly cause the game to change and only served to give the game even more publicity. Ultimately, the petition probably helped the game more than accomplish what was intended. Another idea I've seen is Modern Warfare 2 being DLC. I own the game and spent many hours these past few days playing all parts of it, I feel that this idea is not a very good one. Modern Warfare 2 has a massive amount of new content. While it still feels like the original Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 is still different enough from its predecessor to warrant a new game. The concept of it being DLC instead of a full game, seems ludicrous to me. It may make more sense to someone else, but I see Modern Warfare 2 as quite a different entity and deserves being its own game.
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