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Bye bye Jeff? Bye bye subscription!

Let me first make it catagorically clear that this isn't a knee jerk reaction, nor is it band wagon hopping as some other bloggers have been referring to it.

I'm sure by now you've stumble across some other blog mentioning the mysterious departure of Mr Jeff Gerstman. A man who was undeniably the soul of the remaining Gamespot team. Whether his sacking was related to the Kane and Lynch review, we may never know. I do know that this latest twist in the plot is enough for me to decide to cancel my long running subscription.

If Jeff's sacking was solely related to his Kane and Lynch review, then I'm afraid Gamespot have just lost their credability and with it many of their loyal readership. I just hope and pray that isn't the case. People (ESPECIALLY those inhabiting Internet) have very little time for sellouts and shilling.

So fellow readers - if you are paid subscribers and feel morally outraged to what's taking place. Please vote with your mouse clicks and cancel those subs now!