@jerjef: --see me as a lighthouse --in a tumultuous storm of gaming BS --follow my sayings --listen to my points --and you will soon see --"damn all he speaks is the truth" --unless you are a complete 'wacked in the head' fanatical loon --which is fine --we have a place in our societies for the maddened
--oh --i thiought they already have --it took us some time --but we ended up with a SOLID raid crew --we basically are all friends --and we can beat kings fall raid(on hard) in about 70minutes-90 minutes --with almost no talking --we basically just joke around the whole time
--one of the greatest and most interesting gaming things i have EVER done --was build a raid crew --raid with them for going on a year now --and communicate with them all week(during the day) on the ps4 phone chat app --craziest shit ever --there is a certain magic to the raid in destiny --and --if you have never built a raid crew like that --i suggest start working on it --cause shit is the greatest gaming thing i have ever seen(as far as multiplayer goes)
--lots of game critics these days --talk about 'experiences' --with games like "gone home" or something like that --and they are correct about those 'experiences' --but i challenge you --'experience' building a raid crew and learning the raid with them --it took us a bout a month of playing the last boss in the raid before we could beat him on hard --now we can beat him in the first try or 2
@iandizion713: --there are definitely review sites --that are compiled into metacritic --that will pick the lowest score(of the lot) --so that their review will be on the game's main metacritic page --under the top 5 reviews
--i could swear i have seen GS do this --uum --idk why they would --but --it is pretty obvious GS's 5/10 is a LITTLE low --for a site with the pedigree of GS
--i will say --gamespot's 5/10 seems a little low(for a site with the credibility of GS) --seems like the reality of it is --the game is more like a 65/100 --i would say depending on the majority of players interested --the score will swing back and forth(based on the player's pursuits) --the full range from --6/10 - 7/10
--so in a tally --we are talking about a game that is 'barely good' - 'good'(vs GS's "hardly any good at all") --for the majority of gamers interested
--it is basically a realistic simulator(VERY realistic ) --you either are into that or not --most likely if you do not know what that is --you do not like it --forza is for gamers who have a place in their home --where they have built a fake car --and they have the steering wheel and pedals all set up --and --they wanna 'simulate' realistic racing --which is great --not really my thing
--i prefer horizon --i actually LOVE horizon 2(and i am psyched about H3) --i am more of an arcadey sliding around faux driftying kinda racing gamer
--agh --most of their 'sales' came from MASSIVE bundles --they have been 'giving away' xb1s for MONTHS(even already giving extra controllers and such away with the XB1-S) --and --they BARELY outsell PS4(in the US ONLY) --wow!(watchout! PS) --it is all a smokescreen --it is a last ditch effort sales technique --to keep people from looking at xb1 as a failure(as a competitor) --and to influence consumers to reinvision the xbox brand as being viable for the future(with scorpio) --but the truth is --MS has ALWAYS kept xbox alive with monies from elsewhere --because xbox is a brand that has never made MS a dime in turnover --xb1 didnt sell and is now 'pretty much' a fail --and scorpio is a ridiculous myth(xbox doesnt even know what the damned thing is) --to give the few consumers still riding their dick something to drool over(vs buying a ps4)
--but i must say --at least they are 'doing something' to sell the consoles(if it is losing them hundreds of millions) --unlike nintendo --who did ABSOLUTELY F'N NOTHING to keep wiiU on the bull
--call it how you wanna --everything is said is the damned truth
Suicide Squad recorded a worldwide opening of $267.1 million from 59 countries and IMAX global debut of $18.2 million, both set new records for the month of August.[80] That is also the second-best debut worldwide for a DC property after Dawn of Justice ($422.5 million) and the seventh best for a superhero title.[81]The Hollywood Reporterhighlighted that Dawn of Justice had an advantage of receiving a coveted day-and-date release with China, while Suicide Squad might not secure a release date in the country.
--setting both the WW opening record and the IMAX opening record for an August release --2nd best opening for a DC movie --7th best opening for ANY superhero movie ever?(all without a Chinese release?) --yeah --total fail! --get real --you are just being hardheaded at this point(or you do not know ANYTHING about movies) --is that your goal on here --to put your head in a hole in the ground --and pointlessly spew falsities out of your ass?
--nah --the gang matches shootouts --were one of the best things to ever happen in MP PVP gaming ever --those GUNS MAN!!! nothing like em in existnece(a realistic cowboy simulator) --and the open world map --then the posse systems --where you could 'posse up and drag the posse' everywhere --even gta5online shoulda done that
--also --back in it's day 2010-12 --RDR's online run smooth as warm butter --there were a few hiccups here and there (that would get patched) --but --it is fully broken on BC
@AyatollaofRnR: --im confused(not exactly the land of Eisensteins here in a gaming site~unless you are being sarcastic) --but gaming is very simple --you make games --people play the best games the most
--i know for a fact that not one xb fanatic has ever explained scorpio(to me personally) as exactly the same 'thing' --and that every time xbox says something new or different about it --it is almost like they are just talking in a manner --that sounds like they r reading the fine print of a HUGE crooked contract
TheZeroPercent's comments