@davillain-: --nah --we would just be GS pals --there is nothing like a few GS pals to really help make the christmas lights so much prettier during the holidays --just follow me back --if at anytime you do not like being my GS pal --unfollow me --who knows --we may still be on here in the year 2026 --it will be here before we know it!
@dlCHIEF58: --so it is trolling --to state a fact --and see how people decipher the information through their entangled minds --fact --you can not sell a gaming console without games
--would you pay 1200$ for scorpio --and the only games you could play on it --were the exact games you could play on xb1?(also this is a rethorical question~the answer is "OF COURSE NOT")
@dinosaur_teeth: --oh ill get it --ill tell you what i do with newer games --i buy used on ebay --i almost ALWAYS do(and if i dont like it ill resale real quick~it is actually A LOT cheaper than renting) --and --i can tell how many units a game is selling(i can get a basic idea) --just based on the used copies available(this one isnt selling TONS~i'd guess it has sold less than 200,000 units) --the game is already selling for 45$ that is 19$ cheaper than anywhere new --i could grab a copy --play it about a month and resale it for probably about 35$ --or wait a month and do the same thing(but pay 35 sell for 25) --either way i can usually play the game for about a month or 2 for about 5-15$ --i hardly ever keep my games anymore --i do not know why i am so tight ha
--also --there are still collectors edition for sale on gamestop --that is never a good sign a game is selling well ha --but --what is also funny --is you can buy the CE on gamestop for 80$ +shipping --but --traders and flippers and such(on ebay) --are trying to sell the CE for as much as 180$
--obviously they are pushing them back to launch scorpio --that is kinda messed up(to dedicated fans) --especially if they end up making em scorpio exclusives
--get as 'fanatically fired up' over the truth as you want --but --you cannot sell consoles --with no games that are exclusives
@pointingmonkey: --you forgot to take out the janitor's pay for cleaning up after the release party --a movie that "grosses" well over a half a billion dollars at the box office in it's first 3 weeks --if that is not a "successful" movie...
--i am not sure what you are 'going on' about --you have never said ANYTHING about my original point
--i got in on it(the original) way before it was well known it was fake --i just watched it one night(at my house on probably a 14" crt monitor and dial up internet) --like a friend sent me an email (or something) --took me like 20 hrs or more to download it --i thought it was real! --i didnt sleep that night ha --EASILY the most scared i have ever been from a piece of cinema --it was hard not to believe it was real --it just seemed SOOO real
--i figured it out guys --scorpio is xbox's VR machine --except --MS has also been working on hololens tech --both VR and hololens style gaming will be the main focus of scorpio at launch --when it comes to what 'games' will be on Scorpio at launch --yea --i know --damn im good
TheZeroPercent's comments