--mafia 3 is the game i am most interested in this year --no mans sky was also --and still is --but for me --just like with no mans sky --i will wait for all reviews for mafia 3 --before i decide whether i will jump up to grab it early(vs waiting to get a cheap used copy) --i have a slightly uneasy feeling --that FF15 will be pushed to next year(again)
@catsimboy: --if NX is not 'some kinda' VR Machine --i would be surprised(maybe) --however --i wouldnt be surprised if they were doing some sorta 'nintendoughy' VRish thing with nx --they obviously are not gonna make a 'super powerful console' kinda thing(like xb1/ps4 or even scorpio) --because --even though nintendo can be pretty hardheaded on making home consoles that consumers prefer --they are not so dumb as to try and make a scorpio/Neo imitation(and compete there)
@smokerob79: --if xbox was the only company/brand that MS made money off of --there would have never been the very first xbox
--my OP was about how most gamers think that nintendo are in some way failing(because they never played wii much~and wiiU has been a messy mess) --but the truth is --Nintendo has made several hundreds of million dollars(even billions) more in the last 10 years --than playstation and xbox put together
@pointingmonkey: --you are sorta missing my point --the movie's metascore was 40/100(derived from 53 critics) --yet --the movie is a summer blockbuster smash hit
--THAT --is what i predicted --that --even thought the movie COMPLETELY FLOPPED with critics --that since it was a comic book movie --it would go on to major success --and sequels
@pointingmonkey: --ha? --you could say that about any movie(or product) --suicide squad is one of the most fincanically successful 'summer' movies ever released
--it trips me out --how few gamers are aware of just how much Nintendo is worth --and how they do not understand that nintendo is not a brand --they are a soul corporation --a soul corporation that is worth more than the entire super conglomerate of sony
--he was all "i just cant let yall pay me all this money" --and they were like --"you gonna take it" --and he was like "looks like we have reached an impasse"
--man --i really love being right --but i hate the fact that i predicted that suicide squad was gonna 'go on to be' as successful as it has --even though it had a metascore of about 40/100 --i mean --if you look at video games that get 4/10s --and they NEVER GO ANYWHERE --but comic book movie after comic book movie gets raped by critics --yet go on to MASSIVE success
--i went to see the movie --and 'as a movie' it was simply a 40/100(it was a REALLY crappy 'piece of cinemtography') --no more --no less
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