@xantufrog: --i was thinking these dont even look like 'deals' --i can get any of those main games for 20$(and MUCH less) used on ebay(except no mans sky) --but --on 'amazons one day sell'(in mid july) --i got --a xb1 and controller --a separate blue controller "dusk shadow" --a copy of forza 6 --a copy of horizon 2 --and a boxed 'Limited Edition' copy of halo 5(the 2ndary CE) --and a 50$ amazon card --for a whopping 248$(that was seriously the FULL charge) --i also got free 2 day shipping
--370$?(+taxes and shipping) --for a ps4 with one OLD ass game(except no mans sky) --"giving it away"?
--far cry primal is 24$ brand new --bloodborne 15$ --all of those games are around or under 20$ brand new
--of course --i am not completely familiar with you personally and your brand worship rituals --i didnt see you as a PS hater --i may have missed your joke
@suicidesn0wman: --ive thought a lot about it --i have come to this conclusion about scorpio --it has GOTTA be xbox's VR machine --that also has room to play current xb1 games(and future ones) --but that --also has the power to compete in the VR market
--it also makes sense --because PS had their own scorpio(Neo) in progress --which was fairly surprising --that they announced Neo right after scorpio --even though none of us new anything about these new consoles
--the only problem xbox faces at the moment --is they probably want oculus or a larger company like that to get involved with scorpio --even though they may have something like hololens type of VR/Ar gaming cooking up
--the bottom line is(about scorpio) --that without something besides the current and next year or 2 worth's of xb1 games --what in the hell is scorpio for? --it takes time to make solid AAA titles --and shit --i mean --in reality xb1 JUST came out(from a long term AAA game developer's perspective)
--making a new console --when the console you have isnt selling half of what the competition is --and the ONLY thing your new console really does is... --cost more? --that "makes sense" to you? --ha ?o_O
@suicidesn0wman: "...they would be willing to try any game on any platform just for the opportunity to have some fun..."
--that is not true --else VR would be taking off like wildfire(vs hardly taking off at all) --the reason it isnt taking off? --it is too expensive(and gamers are tight)
--scorpio if it comes out next holiday --will be at least 600$(probably more like 7-800) --and on top of that --there are no games for it
--so --if no one is buying xb1 now --which has plenty of games --why would they buy a 700$ version of an xb1.5(or whatever you wanna call it) --if it doesnt even have any games that xb1 cant play
--it is crazy talk --they are saying "Scorpio will be 6 times stronger than xb1 --yet any games that run on scorpio will run on xb1 also?" --that is straight lunacy
@smokerob79: --elaborate.. --how does scorpio 'make sense'? --here is an example of scorpio making ZERO sense 1.ex --what games are they gonna have to sell with it at launch? --xb1 came out less than 3 years ago --it takes years to make top quality AAA games --so --werent developers building the xbox games for xb1? --so --is xbox gonna stop these developers mid build(or near end of the game build) --and say --"wait you are now gonna have 6X the power" --but --we dont have the actual console yet --so --you are gonna have to COMPLETELY guess on how the console is gonna run games... O_o ?
--who is gonna buy a SUPER expensive console --that doesnt have any games?
--this game's main issue --is it just doesnt have 'top notch' mechanics(action)
--why does destiny 'hang around'? --they used pleasure sensor buttons on beta testers --ha --yes --the same thing they do with lab rats and animals --when testers were enjoying the mechanics --they would press pleasure system buttons --this information was put into computer software --and the mechanics of destiny are literally as good as a FPS get --you can say what you want about every other part of destiny --but the core mechanics are ADDICTIVE as hell
--i have got their drift now --they are gonna try and monopolize the console market like this --they are gonna try and change it to favor their product(like they did with xb1 pre-launch) --why? --to run playstation and nintendo outta the home console business --kinect1 pretty much put Nintendo outta the home console business
--here is what is gonna happen --the same thing that has happened over the last 3 years --gamers arent gonna buy their BS --hardcore gamers do not fall for gimmicks(i mean VR isnt even a gimmick~but we are staying away from it) --we have already seen xbox try this with xb1's initial attempts to turn home console gaming into less of a gaming experience --and into more of an 'all around' digital media experience
--scorpio is a last ditch effort(to save the xbox brand) --and it is fart brained --their plans for scorpio are HORRIBLY disjointed --and incomplete --and if you really think about the whole thing(the true reality of it) --it doesnt make ANY sense
TheZeroPercent's comments