OK, despite the topic title this isn't to complain about the ratings on Gamespot instead it's for me to rant about the C.H.U.D.s who are always complaining about how their game didn't get rated as high as it should have.
The editors on Gamespot are paid to play games and rate them on their opinion, THEIR OPINION, meaning their rating is not the word of God. Another thing please take these ratings with a grain of salt. Different people mean different tastes, for example, I hate lettuce and most anything else a rabbit would eat. My girlfriend on the other hand loves salads and hates anything that was once alive. Does that mean one of us is wrong?
One of the biggest things people are complaining about is how Gamespot hates Nintendo, and loves the PS3 and the 360. yet if this is true why is it that the Wii is currently doing better on game ratings than the PS3? Or why does the DS continually out rate the PSP? People complain without reason. If we need someone to hate and complain about why not make it Jack Thompson? I believe he has done enough to warrant us being pissed off at, but that's another story for another day.
Well I feel a little bit better about getting that out of my system. Fanboys just need to be dragged in the street and stabbed in the eye then shot in the knees. Every system will have it's strong points and every system will have it's weak points. Well I think my rant is finally over, and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is calling me back to it's papery clutches.
Edited for spell check, after all if I'm complaining about idiots I don't want to spell like one.
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