Well as of late there has been a bit of a drought in my world of video games. I have been playing Oblivion on my 360 with sprinkle of Shadowrun in there for flavor. On the PS3 front I have been rocking out some Uncharted and Heavenly Sword.
The Force Unleashed comes out in a couple of weeks and I will have no money to get it. Looks like I will be getting this one through Goozex. Not that I mind it's just one of those that I would like to play on launch. But it was either that or Lego Batman and my girlfriend loves the Lego games. I'll be honest I love them as well.
Speaking of which October is going to kick my wallet right in the jewels. I have to pick up Fable II (Collector's Edition of course) and Little Big Planet on the same day. Then about a week, or is it two weeks? Gears of War 2 comes out (yes it is also the Collector's Edition). What can I say I'm a sucker for collector's edition of well just about anything.
Well I'll try to post more frequently in the future, don't keep your hopes up though as I probably won't be posting again soon. It's not because I don't want to but it's because I'm lazy.