- The_Dragon_Born’s Activity
I remember when Kotor came to phones. I thought it was the beginning of something wonderful. Now I pretty much don't play games on my phone at all.
I enjoyed RE 2 and Luigi's Mansion 3 but for me the sleeper hit was Jedi Fallen Order cause I had pretty much written it off. Was actually awesome.
A buddy once asked me who would do worse with Star Wars? Disney or George Lucas. I said an ant could starve on the difference. This ladies and gentlemen is the state of Star Wars. Enjoy.
Played on Jedi Grand Master and already beat it. I find I enjoy a game if it makes me scared for a while and then I master it. Boss hurt me so good before I slapped...
I'm hoping it's a great next gen without stupid DRM. I'm probably going to stay with PC and Switch though. I can afford all systems like I did this gen but I'm trying to cut the waste out of my life.
Wish it was less talk and more action
Hard pass then.
I mostly played on PC and now NS. But if I could only choose a console PS4 has a lot to offer.
Got it on PC and cheated to get the tier 1 perks. Then forgot about it. For any playing it, is it a compelling story and satisfying conclusion(s)? Are the worlds really that beautiful? What your thoug...
Freaking loved God of War, Bloodborne, and Uncharted 4 and was so worth the PS4 pro. Not feeling the upcoming exclusives like this and LoU2 though. Looks like this gen is already over for me. Nothing ...
@mattcake: I totally agree with you. I think he meant relative to the average elitist standards of Hollywood now days though.
@BassMan: played it in 4k on PC and excited about it again on the Switch. It's ok to disagree! You're just high maintenance is all.
I'm in. I was feeling like replaying it again anyway
If I get bored I'll game pass this. Gears 4 was just so forgettable
This was a good generation. I mostly play on PC and Switch but PS4 has God of War which was a blast. Wish Bloodborne 2 was a thing
That works. If the reviews are good I'll get it on Switch later.
If it wasn't an always online game like the last two it wouldn't be a hard pass for me
@silv3rst0rm: no because it ramps up power usage when docked and it would overheat if it's not made for it
@Xristophoros: Yes and I freaking love portables. 3ds was/is my favorite system of all time. If even I'm not interested...who is going to buy this?
I'm out. I was all over this for the smaller form. It was perfect, not being able to connect to a TV is a deal breaker for me.
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