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Top, Need to play, Games of this Decade! (Playstation, PS3, PSP, PSN, Move Etc.)


1) Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core: Zach Fair's journey... so far.. (PSP)

Starting in 1997, with FF7, which showed a, lovable, spiky-haired Cloud, appear on our screens, with a deep, sensitive side, underneath a tough, outer shell. This game was released, to co-inside with the 10th anniversary, of the birth of RPG Gaming on CD. (Final Fantasy 7 itself. Although, a few others stand out as well (BoF3+4) but this was where i spent most of my time, when i first fell in love with gaming. Must have played it though at least 10 times, from start to finish, and once more on the PSN store release. (Along with, FF8 and FF9 as well.))

If you haven't already, beg, steal, and borrow (well not steal, but ya know) a PSP of someone you know and Play this Title!

There was very little hype, which i saw, when this game first appeared. But, I feel, it has matured, and possibly has the best Ending of Any, if not all, games on the PSP or even World Wide. A genuine, Must-Play Game!

If you get chance or can't play this game for whatever reason. Watch some vids on YouTube, to see just how great this game is.

Here are a few to get you started... (FF7: CC Intro. Says it all really) (FF7: CC Ending Video. Its a real tear-jerker, If you're a fan of the series!)

My, Personal, Score (out of 10)

Gameplay (8/10)

Music (9/10)

Visuals (10/10) (Ending video is awesome)

SFX (9/10)

Story (9/10) (Prequel to FF7, which had, one of the greatest, video game stories of all time)

Overall Enjoyment (10/10) ('I think Zach became a Hero, Don't you?')

2) Little Big Planet: Sack-Boi is so lovable! I know you want him. I do! (PS3, PSP, Lots of content on PSN)

This is one of the greatest games for the PS3! If you haven't seen vids or played the game (Xbox owners probably lol) then check it out on YouTube. It may look childish, it may look like a crappy, old, and out-dated plat-former, but i assure you. It's a hell of a lot of fun!

Exploring the Sack-World for the first time, online with friends, or even, just complete strangers, this game has it all.

From, character customisation, to custom-user levels. It's all there, in one neat, cuddly package, that steals your heart!

Check out a few links on YouTube, here's two to start you off... (Little Big Planet 1: Dead Space) (Little Big Planet 2: Debut Trailer)

It's a personal favourite of mine, and used to play it a lot, just looking at the textures and story, re-created, in miniature.

All in all, a great game, and understandable why it was nominated for Game of the Year 2008!

Gameplay (10/10) (Multi-Player is awesome!)

Music (9/10)

Visuals (10/10)

SFX (9/10)

Story (9/10) (Original, Funny, and with great voice actors, which made this game great!)

Overall Enjoyment (10/10) (Having looked at the trailer for No.2, I think it could be even better!)

3) Metal Gear Solid 4: Snake? SNAKE? SNNNAAAAAAKKKKKEEE!!!! (PS3, Piece Walker on PSP)

A Definite, must buy/play/borrow. My best mate lent me this title, when i had no monies. Great game all round, (once you get past the 4GB install, which is nothing now, but was back then). Check out some clips on YouTube, if you don't own/ want to own/ are skint etc. Here's one, that best describes, and sums up the game for me... (Metal Gear Solid 4: Official Trailer)

I think the official trailer is spot on for this game, but don't let that stop you, watching fan-made vids, there are plenty of good ones out there. This is one of my favourite games, and Voted, GameSpots 'Game of the Year 2008!'

Gameplay (10/10)

Music (8/10)

Visuals (10/10)

SFX (10/10)

Story (9/10) (Following on from the Metal Gear Franchise, Hideo Kajima, Really knows how to write a Game!)

Overall Enjoyment (10/10) (If this Game, were ever given trophies, I would drop everything, play it again, right now and enjoy it again and again! Maybe I'll go out and buy it someday. Geez I'm going to be skint again, by the time I've wrote this!)

4) Uncharted series. Nathan Drake, What a Guy! (PS3)

Uncharted first hit our consoles, in 2007. And, at first, it wasn't an instant success. For whatever reason (be it because it was because of Naughty Dog being seen as a children's game designer [Crash Bandicoot etc.], or whatever). It later became a success through, word of mouth, and later added trophy support. It owes its success to our shared gaming experiences. I for one never owned the Uncharted Series (1 or 2, both good), but i played them in spirit, with my best friend Geoff. (PSN: Geeby. GameSpot: Warhawk-Geeby) we fell in love with the characters, story, and general experiences, through shared gaming at its finest.

I often herd the phrase, 'If you don't own Uncharted, you're not a true gaming fan'. I for one agree with this, and I wish I had owned it when it first came out. Who knows? I might go back and buy it tomorrow, and No. 2 'Among Thieves'. They are both worth playing, again and again!

Here's a vid, or two, to show you exactly what i mean... (Uncharted 1: Drakes Fortune) (Uncharted 2: Among Theives) (Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception) (soon to be released, can't wait!)

Gameplay (10/10)

Music (8/10)

Visuals (9/10)

SFX (10/10)

Story (10/10) (An original, Beautifully Written, Game, from Developer, Naughty Dog. I was a bit sceptic at first but this game has grown on me, and can't wait to enjoy the new game 'Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception!')

Overall Enjoyment (10/10) (The First Game was re-vitalised with trophies and constant updates etc., and the second game was a vast improvement in graphics, and visuals. Heres to hoping the 3rd is back and better than ever! It certainly looks it!)

I missed out on the first 2, but i don't intend to miss the third. And I'll pick up 1+2, just to re-live them all over again lol.

5) Heavy Rain: Just AWESOME! (PS3, PS3 + Move)

What can i say about this title? It's just awesome from start to finish. The visuals, the in-depth story-lines and the lovable characters, right from the start, have you on the edge of your seat, screaming at the TV.

This title has recently been re-vamped with, move controls, and from my first impressions, with the software. It should be a great addition, to any gamers catalogue.

Here's a vid or two, to get you going, on the wonders of Heavy Rain. 'The Rain, It's Heavy!' (Heavy Rain: Move Trailer)

Will definitely pick this title up when it's nice and cheap (skint at the mo), but it's well worth it if you have the time and monies available, to enjoy this PlayStation Classic over and over, until your arms Bleed!

Gameplay (10/10)

Music (9/10)

Visuals (10/10)

SFX (10/10)

Story (10/10) (Very Much, the Perfect Game, and with move support, its back and better than ever! I very much think that this should have had game of the year 2010. Although, Red Dead made it too my list, so, meh!)

6) Warhark: So good, the developers want it back! (PS3)

Wow. This game was everything we needed when it first came out. It was about pure, multi-player gaming at its finest. It may not be much to look at but, with its, excellent community, from its clans, to monthly gaming competitions, it had it all. That's not to say that, I still doesn't, you can go on any night of the week, alone or with friends, and enjoy a quick game or two and have a laugh!. This title will take well over 500+ game hours of your life and you will have to beg them, kicking and screaming to get them back, but, having said that, It still remains one of the most enjoyable games on the PlayStation.

Here's some of my personal favourite vids from Warhawk clans around the globe, just waiting for new blood, to join the community. Do you have what it takes to become a General? (Warhawk: Clan Video. PSN: PsudoLoneWolf, or something like that. It's on his vids, watch them all. I was in Stiches!

Gameplay (10/10)

Music (10/10) (You can add your own music while playing, what more do you want?)

Visuals (7/10)

SFX (10/10)

Story (7/10) (Two sides, (Chevrovan, and the Eucadians) fighting each other in a never ending war. That about sums it up lol.)

Very, fun game to be apart off, alone or with friends. Always up for a Game. Add me (PSN: The_Edgeref), or Geoff (PSN: Geeby), and we will rock your world!

7) Infamous: Cole, the Hero… Or not. That's your choice. (PS3)

Infamous; exactly what it says on the tin. You play a rouge, called 'Cole', who has lost his identity, and it turns out, has become, the cause of one of the biggest natural disasters, in the city, to date. You must make choices along the way, Good or Bad (and sometimes you have no choice but to let something bad happen to someone you love). You fall in love with the characters each time you pick up and play this title. You must, fight your enemies and even yourself, across the city, and time its self, (tried not to give too much away). You'll love the graphics and gameplay, as you fight, for yourself and others, every step along the way.

A great game; MUST play title.

Here's the opening sequence to get you started. Pick it up; I know you will enjoy it. I know i did. (Infamous 1: Intro and gameplay trailer) (Infamous 2: trailer)

Just a little heads up to the release of Infamous 2 later this year. I for one can't wait and will pick it up some time. It's on my, 'to do' list! It should be on yours too.

Gameplay (10/10)

Music (8/10)

Visuals (9/10)

SFX (10/10)

Story (10/10) (Very original, a lot of inspiration came from comics, so if you're a fan of comic books, then you'll definitely enjoy this title!)

8 ) Gundemonium: Recollection. Classic; Old-School, Shoot 'Em Up. At its best! (PS3 [Via Download), PSP [Via Remote Play])

I first saw this on the PS Store, earlier in 2010, and was hooked, on the Visuals and Anime graphics, as soon as i saw it. (Being a big fan of Japanese Anime, That is Understandable.)

It doesn't have much of a storyline (that's to say, it's over pretty quick), but what it does have is 5, amazingly, re-mastered, levels. That will keep you guessing; right up un till the End Boss Fight. (There's a hidden one too, which i have yet to unlock, as well, as plenty of hidden modes, such as boss rush, and multiple, insane, tests of your gaming knowledge). All this is rapped into a package, with a low, low cost (I got the first one for £4, on the store, BARGAIN!) and has kept me playing, in search of perfection, ever since. This game is also has a, fully integrated YouTube, support. So you can record, edit and upload your favourite campaigns, straight to the web, without leaving your PS3!

Here's a few, there are plenty more, with the YouTube support, and high-score system. There is always someone trying to be the best! (Gundemonium Collection trailer PSN)

The vid above shows, everything that's great about this title. From the fast paced Shoot 'Em Up, to the massive unlock system. With, 4 different difficulties; and 10 un-lockable modes. This will keep you playing for years. You got what it takes to unlock Elixril Daath? The secret hidden boss; and un-lockable character?) I sure didn't, but will get there one day soon.

Gameplay (10/10)

Music (9/10)

Visuals (9/10)

SFX (10/10)

Story (8/10) (Nice work, recreated on PS3 and PSP (Remote play only), Story let it down for me, didn't really follow it, was too busy trying to avoid the insane boss patterns. But, all in all, a great title. Pick it up now in a bundle pack, all 3 games for like £12. Great fun, Must add, to any avid gamers collection!

9) Wipeout HD: and 'Fury' Expansion Pack. Futuristic Racing; at Its Finest! (PS3, Older Classics on PSP)

10) Red Dead Redemption: and 'Undead Nightmare' Expansion: Running round the Old West, As John Marston. The landscape is yours to explore, freely. Until, one day; You hunt bears, with just your trusty, hunting knife… (PS3)

11) Medal of Honor; As real as it gets. True stories about the Afgan War on Terror... (PS3)

12) Call of Duty: The Whole Series if you can... Huge fan base, never struggle to find a game... (PS3)

13) Sports Champions; Playstations try at a 'Wii Sports'. Good game, its on to a winner! (PS3 [With Move])

14) Half-Minute Hero! Classic RPG Gaming, complete with Blocky Graphics, and loveable characters. All rapped up in a funny, take on retro gaming. 30 Seconds to save the world? You got what it takes? (PSP)

15) Resistance: Fall of Man. Nathan Hale, and gang; take on the Crimeans, in this, Alternate-Reality Version, of the Crimean War. (PS3, PSP)