wats up gamespot, I have been determined in the last couple of weeks to beat games from my backlog. I am happy to say that i have beaten two of them but i was planning more. anyway here it is.
I beat Resident evil 4 on the ps2 and that game is really awesome. I hated all of the other resident evils but this one is great. It isn't that scary but it has its moments. I coul try to beat the ada wong missions but i beat the game and need to move on.
This game i wanted so badly and was ashamed that i have never beaten it. I beat mgs 1 and mgs2. I beat snake eater 3 times and never beat subsistence. Well last night i finally completed the game. I really love the metal gear series. It is hands down my favorite series. It is unfortunate that mgs 4 has been delayed untill 2008 since i have a ps3 ready for it but i have no doubt it will be an epic game.
These are the two games i have completed and am now working on these games. I was inspired by the wesker to beat the original super mario bros on the NES but have yet to do so. last night i played for an hour and still wasn't able to. The game finds a way to screw you. I was hoping to have it beat by today but o well. I am a couple of hours in pribce of persia the two thrones which is awesome but i will put that on hold to beat killzone first. it has 11 levels and i want to get it done. I am also deep into Fight night round 3 on the ps3. I guess beating that is getting the championship belt in career mode.
I also head out to Orlando Florida in about a week for vacation. I will be gone for a week and am pretty excited about that. thats its for now, until next time... later