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Guess who's Back...

wat up gamespot, it is good to finally be back. I took my last Final two days ago and my summer has oficially begun. First things first, I got sucked into the PS3 and can finally give some real impressions.

PS3 Impressions

My PS3 has been hoolked up to an hdtv that supports up to 1080i and wow it makes a huge difference over sdtv. Sony doesn't provide the component cables so i purchased them for 19.99 form best buy. But it doesn't matter since it looks and sounds great. Fght Night Round 3 is an amazing game. It seems simple at first but it is really deep. The graphics and sound is outstanding. I havent tried the career mode yet but i will as soon as i am done here.


I also regestered for the ps netwrok so i can play online. I have never experienced online play before and it is trully awesome. Fight night had little lag but it was really awesome to play online. by the way my username is The_Extremist_ so check me out. I also downloaded some game demos. 1st was Def jam icon. I was just curious on how it played and i was dissappointed. it really wasn't all that impressive or that fun. The rappers look really life like but after playing fight night the fighting was dissapointing. the second demo was resistance fall of man. That is pretty awesome. I still don't like the fact that u fight aliens (thats just something that turns me off) but other thna that it is really great. The AI is awesome and the graphics are just great. I am downloading the motorstorm demo right now followed by ninja gaiden sigma. demos are great arent they.

In conclusion (im not writing a report) anyway i love the PS3. it is really worthit despite the opinions of others. I played so much PS3 yesterday and i am planning to do the same today. If you have the money buy the PS3. Now i play motorstorm and Ninja Gaiden sigma before some more fight night
