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Harry Potter midnight launch

So the new and final Harry Potter book the deathly hollows will be released on July 21st. Why am i mentioning this eventhough i hate harry Potter?

well that is because in the mall near me they're having a midnight launch event for the book and i will be there. That is because i work at Auntie Annes Pretzels. I worked last summer and am doing the same now. My manager requested that i work in the cart across form the launch center (yea he really likes my work). So tomorrow i will leave my house at around 4 PM and work till around 2 AM and make a good deal of money. I will get to see all of the crazy harry potter nuts. I have never been to a midnight launch and technically i will not be a part of this one but i will get to see it all.

I will be there with hot and steamy pretzels.
