wats up, i haven't written a blog for like a week, thats because i havent been doing much in terms of gaming and since this is gamespot i didn't see the point of blogging about it but i am doing so now anyway. First up i picked up a couple of DVD's
All of them are wrestling related eventhough i don't like wrestling anymore but these caught my attention.
As inferred by the title it is a documentary about the rise and the inevitable fall of ECW. For those who don't know what ecw is, it was a great wrestling organization that was in competition with the WCW and The WWF. It was supposed to be real and i still think it is a lot more believable than the WWF or WWE is or ever was. It is a 2 dick set with some commentary and extra matches. It is pretty entertaining and brings me back to the 90's
Next up is another related Extereme Championship Wrestling DVD
This DVD is trully great, it is also two disks and has some trully great matches. This is my favorite DVD from the ones that i bought this past week. if you like hardcore wrestling than u must pick this up because it is trully hardcore. has some special features but the variety of matches makes it worth it alone.
And Lastly this is another wrestling brand but unlike ECW it is Current. TNA
This DVD had great potential but it highly dissapointed me. It still has great matches and is a good DVD but i think that after the ECW dvd i had high expectations. Still i find TNA to be more entertaining than the WWE. still i would recommend it but it has like no extra features and is only a single dvd no 2 disk edition. Could have been a lot better if they really wanted it to be.
Also somethinh that is much better and more exciting, last night was UFC 69: Shootout
In a big upset we have a new welterweight champion. This small guy Matt serra defeats the champion George st. pierre in the very first round.
It was a very exciting event. UFC is way better than wrestling and Boxing.
Now in terms of gaming, i havent done much. I havent touched my ps2 or xbox for a while. I am playing old skool games lately on the FC twin console. I have been playing a lot of mario bros and mario bros 3. also been playing some punchout. These games just never get old.
As for my plans to purchase games for the ps2 i decided to hold off until my semester is over, i have to study for finals anyway.
and thats it, im going to sleep now, later