So my psp is broken or in fancy terms it is bricked. wat i learned is that u should Never disturb the psp while it is updating. I am actually not that upset because i never really enjoyed the psp anyways. I am a little ticked since i bought metal gear acid before i left on the trip and enjoyed it very little before the disaster happened. by the way it was my brother (ACE451) that did it.
Now i can send it to sony and get it repaired for $100
Buy a mod chip and try to fix it myself
I can do things my way. My plan is to head to a Kmart or Walmart and purchase a new psp. Then switch the new one with the bricked one. Then just head back and returnit. I get a new psp andmy money back. I still need to check the return policy of kmart but this is probably going tobe what i will eventually do.
Let me know wat u guys think. Maybe u have done something similar in the past. let me know.
- - Later - -